Natural Connections: Professor Hike

The Museum’s new director, Rich Jaworski, became Professor Advanced Regeneration during the Wisconsin Master Naturalist Volunteer Training last week.

Wisconsin DNR: Fish Kills Increase Due To Warming Waters

The Wisconsin DNR alerts the public that because water temperatures are heating up, anglers may notice more dead fish than usual.

Natural Connections: The Menace Of Mosquitoes

Inland Floodwater Mosquitoes, Aedes vexans, have white bands on their legs and white-scaled bands on their abdomens.

Natural Connections: The Northwoods ROCKS!

Students on a field trip complete a scavenger hunt in The Northwoods ROCKS exhibit at the Cable Natural History Museum.

Natural Connections: Sharp-Tailed Grouse

"A big part of the competitive dancing routine of sharp-tailed grouse seems to be pairing off with another male in a staring contest."

Take Steps Now To Avoid Potential Conflicts With Black Bears

Follow these steps to avoid attracting black bears.

Natural Connections: Balsam Poplar: Tree Of The Far North

The buds of a balsam poplar tree are coated in sticky, aromatic resin that contains medicine for both the trees and us.

Northern Musky Season Begins May 27

The Wisconsin DNR reminds anglers the 2023 northern zone musky season begins May 27, 2023 and runs through Dec. 31.

Wisconsin DNR Offering Funding To Organizations Promoting Safe ATV/UTV Operation

Organizations are encouraged to apply for this two-year program by June 12, 2023, for up to $302,067 in funding.

Natural Connections: The Fantastic Fox

A reduction in the number of foxes may actually be linked to the rise of Lyme in recent decades.

Natural Connections: Tune Up Your Ears For Spring

'Well, the robin’s early morning shouting did nothing to cheer me up today, but learning something new about chickadees sure did!'

Natural Connections: Find A Puddle & Some Happiness

Research shows that people tend not to ruminate on the bad stuff that causes anxiety while in nature, especially when gazing softly at something like this beautiful moss.

Natural Connections: Prairie Chickens

Greater prairie chicken males strut their stuff on display grounds called leks each spring.

Northwest WI Regional Construction Update - Apr. 21, 2023

Road construction project updates for Barron, Burnett, Polk, Rusk, Sawyer, and Washburn counties.

Natural Connections: Spring Arrives With Lois Nestel

Mourning cloak butterflies spend the winter as adults and are some of the first to emerge in spring.

Northwest WI Regional Construction Update - Apr. 14, 2023

Road construction project updates for Barron, Burnett, Polk, Rusk, Sawyer, and Washburn counties.

2023 Wisconsin Spring Turkey Season Opens Next Week

The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reminds hunters that the 2023 spring turkey season opens on April 19.

Washburn County Officials Advise Drivers To Pay Attention, Slow Down This Construction Season

Emergency or work zone areas are protected by laws that aim to keep workers safe.

Gov. Evers Declares State Of Emergency In Wisconsin Due To Elevated Wildfire Conditions

The Wisconsin DNR has issued a Red Flag Warning for today for many Wisconsin counties.

Natural Connections: The Glowing Attraction Of Spiders

The luminous fluorescence of adult female crab spiders attracts more insects to the flowers where they wait in ambush.

Natural Connections: Wings In Winter

"While we may not be thinking about butterflies during this long winter, they are out there surviving…hopefully."

Could Your Horse Benefit From A Trail Ride?

"Taking your horse on a trail ride can relax them and calm their minds from the stress of always having to do things right."

Natural Connections: Aurora Magic

"The light-gathering powers of a camera lens can pick up on the greens, reds, and purples that are actually being emitted and show us just how vivid the lights truly are."

Natural Connections: Facebook Post And Frog Phenology

"I created this audio and animation in the spring of 2020 while working from home."