Gov. Evers, Democrats Announce Legislation To Repeal Wisconsin’s 1849-Era Criminal Abortion Ban

The bill would cleanly repeal Wisconsin’s criminal abortion ban, effectively reverting abortion access in Wisconsin to June 23, 2022.

Rep. Dave Armstrong Circulates Legislation To Make Henry All-Weather .45-70 Wisconsin’s State Rifle

If this legislation becomes law, Wisconsin will join a number of other states that have official firearms.

Gov. Evers Appoints Sarah Godlewski To Secretary Of State

Godlewski’s appointment is effective March 18, 2023, and will fill the remainder of La Follette’s four-year term ending in January 2027.

Senator Romaine Quinn: First Housing Committee Hearing Sheds Light On Shortages

Guest column from WI 25th District Senator Romaine Quinn.

Wisconsin Merit Scholarship Program Passes Assembly

Rep. Chanz Green announces that AB 67 passes State Assembly on a unanimous 96-0 vote.

Rep. Dave Armstrong Votes For School Safety Measures

The Wisconsin Assembly took up a number of proposals to address school safety concerns.

Rep. Tom Tiffany Introduces Bill To Ban Race-Based Preferences In Federal Government

FAIR Act would prevent those that receive federal funding from discriminating, giving preferences based on race.

BLS Data: Wisconsin Adds 4,100 Nonfarm Jobs In January, Statewide Unemployment Rate Falls To 2.9%

Nationwide for the month of January, the unemployment rate was 3.4% with a labor force participation rate of 62.4%.

Dave Wilson Assumes Washburn County Board Chair Position

Wilson has assumed the role of Washburn County Board Chair following the unexpected death of Tom Mackie.

Tiffany Introduces Legislation To Protect American Sovereignty Against World Health Organization

15 House Members lead bill to require Senate supermajority approval of WHO treaty.

Senator Romaine Quinn: Two Months In – Here’s What I’ve Been Up To

"Two months ago, I was joined by my wife and two young sons as I was sworn in as the State Senator for the 25th Senate District."

Washburn County Board Chair Tom Mackie Passes Away

Executive Committee meeting scheduled to discuss succession.

Senator Quinn, Representative Armstrong Announce Barron Listening Session

State Senator Romaine Quinn and State Representative Dave Armstrong have scheduled an in-district listening session.

Janet Protasiewicz, Dan Kelly Advance To April 4 Election For Wisconsin Supreme Court

Janet Protasiewicz, Dan Kelly to face off in high-stakes Wisconsin Supreme Court election.

Wisconsin Supreme Court Primary Election Results

Election results from Tuesday's non-partisan primary election for Wisconsin Supreme Court.

Governor Evers' Hyper-Far-Left Budget Proposal Divides Wisconsin, Prioritizes Milwaukee & Madison

Rep. Gae Magnafici is encouraging public to share their feedback and express any concerns they may have by completing a survey.

Rep. Armstrong Responds To Governor’s Budget Address

State Rep. Dave Armstrong joined his legislative colleagues on the evening of February 15 to hear Governor Tony Evers’ 2023-2025 state budget address.

Senator Rob Stafsholt Reacts To Evers’ Proposal

Senator Rob Stafsholt issued the following statement about Governor Evers’ proposed budget.

Rep. Green Responds To Governor’s Budget Address

Rep. Chanz Green is cautiously optimistic with Governor Tony Evers’ budget request to the Wisconsin State Legislature and issued the following statement.

Gov. Evers Delivers 2023-25 Biennial Budget Message

Gov. Tony Evers delivered his 2023-25 Biennial Budget Message on Wednesday night.

Gov. Evers Proposes Ignition Interlock Device Use For All OWI Offenses (Including 1st Offense)

Governor’s plan bolsters reckless and drunk driving penalties.

Armstrong Announces Spooner Listening Session, February 24

“Spooner recently moved into the 75th District from the 73rd, so I thought it would be a great location for the first session.”

Senator Quinn And Representative Sapik Announce Grantsburg Listening Session

This listening session will be held at the following location and time.

Senator Quinn And Representative Green Announce Listening Sessions

This round of listening sessions will be held on Friday, February 17th at the following locations and times.