DPI Awards $4.1 Million To Wisconsin Charter Schools

Funding part of five year federal grant program

City Completes Review Of Concerns Raised By Rice Lake Police Association Over Chief

10 Police Officers had signed a Letter of No Confidence in Chief Steve Roux

Speaker Vos Statement On Governor’s Secret Recording Of Meeting

"To our dismay, we have learned that the governor’s office secretly recorded a meeting with legislative leaders last month."

Senator Fitzgerald Responds to 'Evers’ Secret 'Nixonesque' Recording

"In 26 years in the Legislature, this is one of the most brazen examples of unethical, unprofessional conduct I have ever seen"

Shell Lake Fireworks Canceled Due To Concerns Over COVID-19

Shell Lake City Council met on Monday night and the decision was made to cancel the events

Working to Fix Unemployment Insurance

'On top of delaying payments to those who need these funds, DWD has delayed implementing part of the bipartisan Act 185'

Clint Moses Announces Run For The Wisconsin 29th Assembly District

Clint Moses, of Menomonie, is announcing his candidacy for the 29th district Assembly.

Gov. Evers Announces Rainbow Pride Flag To Fly Over State Capitol Honoring Pride Month

In 2019, the Rainbow Pride flag flew over the Wisconsin State Capitol for the first time in state history

U.S. Attorney Blader Welcomes HIDTA Designation For Eau Claire County

Designation Means Eau Claire County Will Receive Resources To Fight Drug Trafficking and Abuse

Kim Butler Announces Candidacy For Assembly District 28

Butler ran against the current representative, Gae Magnafici, in 2018

DOJ Awards Nearly $400M For Law Enforcement Hiring To Advance Community Policing

Agencies in Western District of Wisconsin Awarded More Than $2.26 Million

White House: Law And Order President Talks The Talk & Walks The Walk

A White House official stated to DrydenWire.com that the symbolism of this action is important

Gov. Evers: We Must Confront Society's Comfort With Racism

Evers released a video statement following the death of George Floyd and the ongoing unrest

Gov. Evers Appoints Randy Romanski As DATCP Secretary

Romanski has served as Interim Secretary of the agency since November 2019.

St. Croix County Declares State Of Emergency

Due to the ongoing civil unrest in the Twin Cities metro area, St. Croix County has issued a proclamation declaring a state of emergency.

10 Rice Lake Police Officers Sign Letter Of No Confidence In Chief

The PNC intends to meet next week to formulate a plan for a resolution of this issue which can then be recommended to the Council

Gov. Evers Releases Statement On Death Of George Floyd

“Earlier this week, another Black life was extinguished before our eyes."

Gov. Evers Delivers Democratic Radio Address Encouraging Wisconsinites To Wear Masks

"Wearing a face mask isn’t a political statement. It shouldn’t be controversial, and it isn’t hard to do."

Speaker Vos, Senate Majority Leader Fitzgerald Send Letter To Governor Evers On UI Trust Fund

"DWD is failing at its most basic mission"

Sen. Schachtner’s Team Lends A Hand To Process Unemployment

"“My staff has already helped dozens of constituents follow-up on their unemployment claims through my office..."

Gov. Evers Announces $200 Million 'Routes To Recovery: Local Government Aid Grants' Program

Routes to Recovery Grants for Wisconsin counties, cities, villages and towns

Senator Schachtner: Honoring Our Fallen Neighbors

Guest column from Senator Patty Schachtner

Wisconsin Unemployment Rate Skyrockets Amid Pandemic Shutdowns

The unemployment rate in Wisconsin has reached a level not seen since the Great Depression