Rep. Stafsholt Votes For COVID-19 Response Bill

“It’s been a very stressful and trying time for everyone in this state,” said Rep. Stafsholt.

Wisconsin Assembly Approves COVID-19 Relief Bill

The bill passed on a 97-2 vote. Milwaukee Democrats, Representatives Brostoff and Cabrera voted no

Sally Peterson Re-Elected As Shell Lake Mayor

Sally Peterson: 246 (54%) - Matt Dryden: 207 (46%)

Alderman Kirk Anderson Is Elected With 73% Of The Votes In St. Croix Falls, WI

73% of voters supporting Anderson, and 27% of voters supporting the incumbent.

Karokfsky Defeats Kelly In Wisconsin Supreme Court Election

Dane County Circuit Court Judge Jill Karofsky has defeated incumbent Justice Daniel Kelly

Senator Schachtner: You’re Making A Difference

Guest column from Wisconsin Senator Patty Schachtner

Rep. Magnafici: See The Forest Through The Trees

Guest column from Representative Gae Magnafici

Governor Scott Walker Endorses Rob Stafsholt For State Senate

Rep. Stafsholt announced the endorsement of Governor Scott Walker in his race for Wisconsin’s 10th Senate District.

Gov. Evers Calls For Bipartisan Legislative Action On COVID-19 Relief And Support Package

Evers again callS for bipartisan legislative action to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic

Bernie Sanders: "Today I Am Suspending My Campaign"

"But while the campaign ends, the struggle for justice continues on"

WisDOT Further Restricts In-Person Services At DMV Service Centers Beginning April 8

Service Centers to offer only essential services by appointment; online services remain open

Fitzgerald, Vos Issue Statement On Wisconsin Supreme Court Ruling For April 7 Election

“This election will proceed as planned.”

Gov. Evers Suspends In-Person Voting, Calls Legislature Into Special Session On April 7 Election

Evers suspending in-person voting for the April 7 spring election, moving in-person voting to June 9, 2020.

A Message From City Administrator Andy Eiche To Shell Lake Residents

The following is a a message from the Shell Lake City Administrator Andy Eiche to Shell Lake residents.

Gov. Evers Calls For Special Session On Spring Election

Gov. Tony Evers today signed Executive Order #73 calling the Legislature to meet in Special Session

Jessica Hedinger Announces Candidacy For Washburn County Register Of Deeds

Hedinger announces her candidacy for the elected position of Washburn County Register of Deeds.

Economic Impact Payments: What You Need To Know

Distribution of economic impact payments will begin in the next three weeks

Gov. Evers Requests Presidential Disaster Declaration In Response To COVID-19 Pandemic

Evers is requesting that the President issue a major disaster declaration for the entire state of Wisconsin

Gov. Evers Suspends Rules To Help Keep Youth Safe And Vital Services Functioning

Emergency Order 'to help reduce the potential spread of COVID-19 while maintaining critical services the agency provides'

Dave Armstrong Announces Run For 75th Assembly District

Barron County EDC Executive Director Dave Armstrong is announcing he is running for the 75th Assembly District

Evers Announces New Public-Private Partnership To Increase COVID-19 Laboratory Testing Capacity

The Wisconsin Clinical Lab Network labs have been averaging completion of 1,500-2,000 COVID-19 tests per day.

Senator Schachtner: We Are Safer At Home

Guest Column from Senator Patty Schachtner