Sen. Bewley: Even Ebenezer Scrooge Found A Heart
Guest column from Senator Janet Bewley
Sen. Schachtner: Spreading The Spirit Of Christmas To Those Who Serve
Guest column from Senator Patty Schachtner
Gov. Evers: Wisconsin Welcomes Refugees
"In Wisconsin, we believe in kindness, respect, empathy, and compassion—those are our Wisconsin values" -- Evers
Justice Dept. Awards Barron County $646,951 For Family Drug Court Program
$8.5 Million Will Support Efforts in the Western District of Wisconsin
Shell Lake Receives $250,000 State Grant To Support Renovation Of Medical Center
The newly renovated Shell Lake Clinic will be a one-story structure
Shell Lake Business Owner Announces Run For Shell Lake Mayor
Matt Dryden to be on ballot in 2020 spring election
Republican Legislators Introduce Bill To Legalize Medical Marijuana
Republican legislators offer avenue to medical marijuana legalization
Gov. Evers Announces Sweeping Reforms Within Wisconsin National Guard
Due to 'systemic failures' in its 'handling of sexual assault, sexual harassment, and retaliation allegations'
Senator Schachtner: Preventing Rural Homelessness
This weeks guest column from Senator Patty Schachtner
Jimmy Allen Announces Run For Mayor Of St. Croix Falls
'For those of you who don't know me I would like to introduce myself'
Alderman Kirk Anderson Announces Run For Mayor Of St. Croix Falls
St. Croix Falls Alderperson looks to bring a fresh vision to City Hall
Gov. Evers Seeks Applicants For Register Of Deeds Of Rusk County
The appointment will fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Carol Johnson
Senator Schachtner Responds To Over 10,000 Constituent Contacts
Press Release: Senator Patty Schachtner has processed and responded to 10,612 contacts from her constituents
Evers Signs Bill Making Wisconsin Hemp Program Permanent
Gov. Evers Signs the Growing Opportunities Act
Gov. Evers Signs Eleven More Bills
The governor acted on the following bills
Gov. Evers Signs Bill To Expand Health Care Access Via Telehealth Services
Medicaid will now provide reimbursements for more remote patient care
Senator Bewley: Happy Thanksgiving And Happy Hunting
Guest column from Senator Janet Bewley
Schachtner Bill To Protect Interstate Medical Licensure Signed Into Law
Bipartisan legislation authored by Senator Patty Schachtner signed into law by Governor Evers
Rep. Magnafici: 'On Healthcare, Evers’ Calls For Bipartisanship Ring Hollow Yet Again'
Guest column from Representative Gae Magnafici
Gov. Evers Takes Action On Six Bills
New law requires minimum 5 years in prison for OWI homicide
Marquette Poll: Wisconsin Voters' Support For Impeachment Declining
The poll, conducted from Nov. 13 to 17, included 801 Wisconsin voters
Representative Rob Stafsholt Announces Bid For State Senate
New Richmond Republican Touts Proven Record of Defending Conservative Principles
Rep. Rob Stafsholt’s Statement On The Introduction Of A Regional Mental Health Pilot
Pilot program in Barron, Burnett, Dunn, Pierce, Polk, St. Croix, and Washburn Counties