Sen. Bewley: Authors Call For Hearings On Legislation Addressing Violence Against Tribal Women And Girls
“The violence experienced by Native women and girls has gone unaddressed for too long”
Rep. Magnafici: Evers Plays Politics With Taxpayer Pocketbooks
Guest column from Representative Gae Magnafici
Sen. Schachtner: Protecting Domestic Violence Survivors
This week's guest column from Senator Patty Schachtner
Gov. Evers Delivers Democratic Weekly Radio Address Calling For Legislative Action On Gun Safety Reform
"I'm asking for your help"
AG Kaul, 46 Other Attorneys General Announce Facebook Investigation
"Facebook, like every other company, must comply with our antitrust laws..."
Justice Department Awards Grants To Wisconsin Tribal Communities
In Western Wisconsin, 5 tribal communities awarded $5.8 million in funding
Sen. Fitzgerald Reacts to Gov. Evers Special Session Announcement
"“Liberals across the country are upping their rhetoric in support of taking guns from law-abiding citizens"
Gov. Evers Calls For A Special Session On Legislation To Address Gun Violence
"I am delivering on my promise to call a special session to address gun violence across our state"
Gov. Evers Calls For Special Election Reforms, Announces Dates For Special Election
Revised dates for the special election in Wisconsin’s 7th Congressional district
Wisconsin Supreme Court Accepts WILL Case On Governor’s Vetoes
WILL argues Evers improperly used veto to create new laws
Sarah Yacoub Announces Run For 30th Assembly District
Hudson resident has announces her candidacy for WI’s 30th State Assembly District
Tricia Zunker Announces Bid For 7th Congressional District Seat
Zunker is the second Democrat to announce for the seat formerly held by Sean Duffy
Michigan Veteran Announces Run For 7th CD Seat As Democrat
"I am running because this is a critical time in our nation's history."
Rep. Quinn Releases Calls For 7th Congressional District Election Date Change
"Northern Wisconsin should not have to beg to find out when we will be voting" - Quinn
Senator Patty Schachtner: Getting Things Done On Common Ground
Guest column from Senator Patty Schachtner
Senator Bewley: Backing Words With Action
Guest column from Senator Janet Bewley
Frederic Fire Chief Recognized As 28th Assembly District First Responder Of The Year
Rep. Magnafici recognized Brian Daeffler as Wisconsin’s 28th Assembly District First Responder of the Year
Rep. Edming Honors Marty Huhn As First Responder Of The Year
Representative James Edming honored Rusk County first responder, Martin “Marty” Huhn
Marie Bernatz Named First Responder Of The Year
Represents 73rd Assembly District at ceremony at the State Capitol
LCO Tribe Bans Sale And Use Of Vaping Products On Tribal Property
Tribal Board bans sale of vaping products in all tribal retail outlets and the use of products on all tribal property
Gov. Evers Seeks Applicants For Burnett County District Attorney
Vacancy created by the resignation of District Attorney Joseph M. Schieffer
Gov. Evers Signs Executive Order Declaring Indigenous Peoples’ Day in Wisconsin
Gov. Tony Evers, joined by Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes, signed Executive Order #50
Sen. Schachtner’s Sexual Assault Legislation Passes Senate
Two critical pieces of legislation regarding sexual assault kits passed by the Senate
Burnett County District Attorney Resigns From Office
Joseph Schieffer has resigned as District Attorney where he has served for over 10-months