Governor Evers Pardons Four People
Gov. Evers Takes Action On Pardon Advisory Board Recommendations
Rep. Stafsholt Testifies On Military Rifle Salute Legislation
“Rifle salutes are a long-held military tradition for honoring fallen service members at their funerals"
Rusk County Resident To Be Honored As First Responder Of The Year
Marty Huhn has served as a first responder in Rusk County for over 40 years
WILL Explainer: Why The 7th Congressional District Special Election Date Has To Change
Issue: Federal law gives overseas voters the right to vote via absentee ballot
Senator Schachtner: Preventing Substance Abuse As A Community
This week's guest column from Senator Patty Schachtner
Gov. Evers Seeks Applicants For Clark County District Attorney
The new appointee will fill the vacancy created by the resignation of District Attorney Kerra Stumbris
Rep. Milroy's Statement On Decision To Not Run For 7th CD
Rep. Milroy posted the following statement on his Facebook page announcing that he will not be running
Gov. Evers Appoints Aaron Marcoux As Washburn County District Attorney
Mr. Marcoux is currently the assistant district attorney in Washburn County
Rep. Stafsholt: Bi-Partisan Task Force Releases Proposals
“Mental Health issues are very wide-spread in Wisconsin and are dramatically different from person to person"
POLL: Do You Think President Trump Should Be Impeached?
Cast your vote on our Facebook page
Gov. Evers Continues To Push For New Gun Laws
Democratic Governor Also Refuses To Weigh In On Presidential Impeachment
Republican Jason Church Announces Campaign for Wisconsin’s 7th CD
Primary for Special Election set for December 30, 2019
Gov. Evers Sets Date For 7th Congressional District Special Election
Evers calling for election to occur quickly to ensure the people of the 7th CD have representation ASAP
Rep Milroy: Legislation To Provide In-State Tuition For Members Of Tribal Nation
Tribe must be recognized by the US Bureau of Indian Affairs
Bewley, Meyers Introduce Bipartisan Bill To Address Violence Against Native Women
Legislation to create a task force on missing and murdered tribal women and girls
Gov. Evers Announces 60+ New Assistant Attorney Positions Throughout State
Largest state investment in the district attorney program in the state's history
Senator Schachtner: Taking Action To Slow CWD Spread
"As the deer season begins, there are things you can do to limit the spread of CWD"
Senator Bewley: Healthy Forests
Guest column from Senator Janet Bewley
Quinn Is Out, Endorses Tiffany For Congress
Rep Quinn: “I am so thankful for everyone that reached out and encouraged me to run"
Sen. Schachtner Co-Authors Bills To Limit Spread Of CWD
“This funding is a much needed investment to save our state’s deer hunting heritage..."
Sen. Baldwin Wants All Wisconsinites To Have Access To Packers' Games
'Go Pack Go' Act Guarantees All Wisconsinites Can Watch Every Packers Game
Senator Tom Tiffany Announces Run For 7th Congressional District Seat
Tiffany made the announcement on Facebook on Tuesday
Senator Petrowski Statement On Decision Regarding Possible Run For Congress
"I’ve done some soul searching in the past couple of weeks"
Rep. Stafsholt: Budget Committee Approves Funding For Farmer Mental Health Program
"I am very aware of the mental health issues many farmers are struggling with on a daily basis"