Governor-Elect Tony Evers Statement On Extraordinary Session

"Wisconsin has never seen anything like this"

Lawmakers Approve GOP Lame Duck Agenda

The entire package of bills now head to Governor Walker for his signature

Governor Appoints Burnett County District Attorney

Gov. Walker announced today he has appointed Joseph M. Schieffer as District Attorney for Burnett County

Rep. Quinn: My Views On The Extraordinary Session

"Some of the changes that we’ve proposed, and my straight answers on whether or not I support them"

Former President George H.W. Bush Has Died

Governor Walker Releases Statement Following the Passing of Former President George H. W. Bush

County Clerk's Say Adding Additional Election In March Extraordinarily Unwise

'At the county level, the more rural and less resource-intense counties, often aid in these municipal procedures, as they are contracted by municipalities to provide technological support with voter registration and absentee balloting tasks.'

GOP Leadership Committed To Moving Date Of Presidential Primary

Governor Walker Appoints AG Schimel to Waukesha County Circuit Court

“Schimel has shown a commitment to the rule of law and the State of Wisconsin. He will continue to faithfully serve our state as Waukesha County Circuit Court judge.” -- Gov. Walker

Manage Our Wolves Act: State Senators Casperson and Tiffany Expect Results

'We understand some interest groups are urging you to quietly let this bill die. However, you have made a commitment to support delisting'

Attorney General Schimel Concedes To Josh Kaul

Attorney General Schimel Statement on County Canvass Results

Scott Walker Says He's Not Speaking Out Of 'Decency'

"The decent thing to do is to let Governor-elect Tony Evers have his time to talk about his transition."

Rep. Edming: Looking Ahead

"While I do expect differences of opinion with Governor-elect Tony Evers and my Democratic colleagues, I still believe that there is a lot of common ground where we can work together and get a lot of good things done for the people of Wisconsin." - Rep. Edming

Rep. Quinn Calls For Democrats, Republicans To Work Together For Wisconsin

"I am humbled and honored by the overwhelming support I received this year; it couldn’t have happened without Republican and Democratic members of our communities voting for me."

Marijuana Referendums Sweep In Wisconsin

Voters supported marijuana legalization in all 18 referendums held around the state Tuesday, sending a strong message that Wisconsin residents want to see change in cannabis laws: WJI

Gae Magnafici Statement on Election Win

Senator Janet Bewley Wins Re-Election to the Wisconsin State Senate

Senator Janet Bewley Statement on Election

Scott Walker Concedes Governor's Race to Tony Evers

Barron County Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald Statement on Election

Attorney General Schimel Statement on Election Results

Congressman Duffy Statement on Election

"Thank you once again to the great people of the Wisconsin Northwoods"

Bolen Congratulates Bewley on Win

Bolen thanks his supporters and family

2018 Unofficial Election Results

WATCH: Sawyer County Sheriff Candidates Debate on DrydenWire

Watch the debate between Douglas Mrotek and James Marucha