Brian Cole: 'Living Water' - Part 1

This week's message from Pastor Brian Cole focuses on Genesis 25:24-26:35

Local Entrepreneur Receives Native American 40 Under 40 Award

LCO man, Curtis DeCora, was recently recognized as one of the 40 Under 40 award winners for 2020.

Allison Allen, Ph.D.: 'Let’s Focus on the Future'

"'Happy New Year!' These are words we have been looking forward to saying for MONTHS now."

Brian Cole: 'Christmas Message 2020 - The Christmas Revolution' - Part 3 (Conclusion)

"Now we conclude the story by looking at ourselves and God"

Brian Cole: 'Christmas Message 2020 - The Christmas Revolution' - Part 2

"Last week we started off with Joseph’s story. Let’s now take a look at Joseph’s story."

Local Entrepreneur Authors Children’s Book

"Seeing my vision come to the page has been such a joy, and there are so many people who were instrumental in its creation"

'Mary And Joe, Chicago Style'

We would like to share this December 19, 1967 column with you in the Spirit of Christmas

WATCH: Positive Tuesday w/ Ben & Fitzy w/ Special Guest: David Bridenhagen

Positive Tuesday w/ Ben & Fitzy is presented by ICAA

Brian Cole: Christmas Message 2020 - The Christmas Revolution - Part 1

"Blessings to you all as we celebrate the birth of our risen Savior.'

WATCH: Positive Tuesday w/ Ben & Fitzy! Special Guest: Burnett Sheriff Tracy Finch

Ben & Fitzy will welcomed Burnett County Sheriff Tracy Finch in for a chat on today's show!

Brian Cole: Remembering Abraham - Part Three

"His life was a life of difficulty, but he didn’t whine, moan and complain like so many today. Even when it came to their issue of infertility"

WATCH: 'Positive Tuesday W/ Ben & Fitzy' W/ Special Guest: Romaine Quinn

Rep. Romaine Quinn joined the live chat half-way through the show as a special guest

Program Spotlight: ICAA Business Development

Initially launched in 1999, ICAA’s BD program has a long-standing history of making an impact across their 12-county service area

Brian Cole: Remembering Abraham - Part Two

"God wants us to grow in faith, not only because we need Him, but also because it's good for us. It stretches us beyond our comfort zone"

Brian Cole: Remembering Abraham - Part One

"Since we have been dealing with Abraham for so long, and this chapter is the end of his life"

WATCH: 'Positive Tuesday With Ben & Fitzy' - Special Thanksgiving Episode

This morning, Ben & Fitzy gave away two turkeys (the dead frozen kind that you eat - not live ones) during their morning's live chat!

Brian Cole: Providence - Part 3

This week’s message from Pastor Brian Cole focuses on Genesis Chapter 24

2020 Christmas Lights In The Shell Lake Campground Will Take Place This Holiday Season

2020. If there was ever a year to bring the joy of Christmas and the warmth of Christmas lights, this would be the year.

WATCH: Positive Tuesday With Ben & Fitzy With Special Guest Mike Schafer

Positive Tuesday w/ Ben & Fitzy is presented by ICAA

Brian Cole: 'Providence' - Part 2

"Last week we covered verses 1-9, now join us as we continue with verse 10 of chapter 24"

WATCH: Positive Tuesday W/ Ben & Fitzy - Presented By ICAA

Former Washburn County Sheriff Terry Dryden was Ben & Fitzy’s special guest this morning

Sunday Message From Brian Cole: 'Providence' - Part One

Brian Cole dives into Genesis Chapter 24 in this week's message

Ben Dryden: Thank You, Candidates

I have also had the privilege of getting to know many of our area candidates on a personal level

WATCH: 'Positive Tuesday With Ben & Fitzy' - Presented By ICAA

Watch the recording of this morning's live streaming chat