Sunday Message From Brian Cole: 'Providence' - Part One

Brian Cole dives into Genesis Chapter 24 in this week's message

Ben Dryden: Thank You, Candidates

I have also had the privilege of getting to know many of our area candidates on a personal level

WATCH: 'Positive Tuesday With Ben & Fitzy' - Presented By ICAA

Watch the recording of this morning's live streaming chat

Brian Cole: 'Aliens, Strangers, And Death' - Part Two

This week's message from Pastor Brian Cole

Brian Cole: 'Aliens, Strangers, And Death' - Part One

This week's message from Pastor Brian Cole

WATCH: 'Positive Tuesday' With Ben & Fitzy

Barron County Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald and DrydenWire founder Ben Dryden returned this morning for their weekly chat

Sheriff Fitzgerald: Citizen Advisory And Action Team To Be Created

Sheriff Fitzgerald: 'I would like to address several issues in regards to happenings over the past week'

Brian Cole: ‘Picture Perfect’ - Part Three

This week's submitted Sunday message from Pastor Brian Cole

Washburn County Continues Embrace Funding; Support Of Local Law Enforcement

Washburn County Board Chairman Thomas Mackie issued the following statement

Twenty-Four Hundred Boxes Of Food To Be Given Away

It was Linda Hand, head of Washburn County's Unit on Aging & the Aging and Disability Resource Center, who became aware that this program was available

WATCH: Positive Tuesday With Ben & Fitzy

Barron County Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald and DrydenWire founder Ben Dryden returned Tuesday morning for their weekly chat.

Washburn County Law Enforcement Sever Ties With Embrace; Barron County To End Its Funding

Two separate actions were taken last week by the Barron County Executive Committee, and Washburn County Law Enforcement agencies

Brian Cole: 'Picture Perfect' - Part Two

Part two in this series from Brian Cole

WATCH: Sheriff Fitzgerald On His Experience During Quarantine After Testing Positive For COVID-19

‘Positive Tuesday With Ben & Fitzy’ had a whole new meaning today

A New And Creative Restaurant Is Now Open In Rice Lake

Whether you're sick of your cooking or just looking for someplace that doesn't serve that same old boring menu, check out the Wicked Whisk Bake House and Bistro

Brian Cole: 'Picture Perfect' - Part One

"In this chapter we will see a staggering picture of Jesus Christ! We will also deal with one of the most difficult parts of scripture"

Northwoods Hunters Paradise For Sale

This cabin and land is conveniently located on River Road just Northwest of Trego

Brian Cole: 'The Promise Delivered' - Part Three

Brian Cole continues with Genesis in this week's Sunday message

Fitness Center And Local Beef Ranch Team Up; Announce Giveaways

The month of September The Body Shop Fitness Center will have 2 giveaways

WATCH: Postive Tuesday With Ben & Fitzy

Topics included positive things going on in their lives, the recent homicide case in Barron County, COVID-19 updates, and much more.

Brian Cole: 'The Promise Delivered' - Part Two

Brian Cole continues with Genesis chapter 21 which he started last week

WATCH: 'Positive Tuesday' With Ben & Fitzy

The live 30-minute chat aired on DrydenWire's Facebook page at 8:30a this morning

Brian Cole: 'The Promise Delivered' - Part One

This week's message from Pastor Brian Cole

WATCH: 'Positive Tuesday With Ben & Fitzy' - Presented By Embrace

The live 30-minute chat aired at 8:30a on DrydenWire's Facebook page Tuesday morning