
2019 Wisconsin Title I Schools Of Recognition Awards

Spooner, Barron, Turtle Lake, Bruce, Ladysmith, Hayward, and Winter Receive Awards

2019 Wisconsin Title I Schools Of Recognition Awards

MADISON — State Superintendent Carolyn Stanford Taylor announced 114 Wisconsin Title I School of Recognition awards for 2019, an honor that recognizes success in educating students from families who are economically disadvantaged.

"Students living in poverty often find themselves standing outside the dreams we hold for our youth," Stanford Taylor said. "To bring students back into the dream requires skill, knowledge, and commitment. Thank you, educators, support staff, families, partners – everyone who helped schools earn these awards. You are building a better future for your students and our state."

The award-winning schools are among those receiving federal Title I funding to provide services to high numbers or high percentages of economically disadvantaged children. During the May 20 ceremony at the State Capitol, the state superintendent will recognize 19 High- Achieving schools, 23 High-Progress schools, and 81 Beating-the-Odds schools; nine schools achieved in more than one category. Special recognition is given to schools earning awards for five, ten, or 15 consecutive years. Data used to determine the awards is from the previous school year.

Wisconsin Title I School of Recognition Criteria

Schools receive federal Title I aid when they have significant numbers of students from low-income families. The schools that earn recognition also must meet the state’s test- participation, attendance, and dropout goals as well as the following additional award criteria. Data used to determine the awards is from the 2017-18 school year.

High-Achieving Schools

  • have achievement gaps that are less than 3 points between student groups or show evidence of reducing gaps; and
  • demonstrate high achievement at the school level.

High-Progress Schools

  • fall within the top 10 percent of schools experiencing growth in reading and mathematics for elementary and middle school students, or the top 10 percent of schools with the greatest improvement in high school graduation rates; and
  • have achievement gaps that are less than 3 points between student groups or show evidence of reducing gaps.

Beating-the-Odds Schools

  • are in the top 25 percent of high-poverty schools in the state; and
  • have above-average student achievement in reading and mathematics when compared to schools from similarly sized districts, schools, grade configurations, and poverty levels.



Barron Area School District

  • Almena Elementary School
    • Beating the Odds School

Turtle Lake School District

  • Turtle Lake Elementary School
    • Beating the Odds School


Bruce School District

  • Bruce Elementary School
    • Achieving 5 Consecutive Years of Recognition
    • Beating the Odds School
  • Bruce Middle School
    • Beating the Odds School

Ladysmith School District

  • Ladysmith Elementary School
    • Achieving 15 Consecutive Years of Recognition
    • Beating the Odds School
  • Ladysmith Middle School
    • Achieving 5 Consecutive Years of Recognition
    • Beating the Odds School


Hayward Community School District

  • Hayward Intermediate School
    • Beating the Odds School
  • Hayward Middle School
    • Beating the Odds School

Winter School District

  • Winter Elementary School
    • Achieving 5 Consecutive Years of Recognition
    • Beating the Odds School
  • Winter Middle School
    • Beating the Odds School


Spooner Area School District

  • Spooner Elementary School
    • Beating the Odds School
  • Spooner Middle School
    • Beating the Odds School

Click here to view all schools.

Last Update: Apr 16, 2019 3:12 pm CDT

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