
Gov. Evers Announces New Public Health Emergency, Issues New Face Coverings Order

This Order shall enter into effect immediately. This Order shall expire on March 20, 2021, or by a subsequent superseding emergency order.

Gov. Evers Announces New Public Health Emergency, Issues New Face Coverings Order

Press Release

MADISON -- Gov. Tony Evers today signed Executive Order #104 and Emergency Order #1 establishing a new statewide public health emergency and face coverings requirement, respectively, as the state continues to expand vaccination distribution across the state.

Executive Order #104 is available here and Emergency Order #1 is available here.

“We’re working every day to get vaccines distributed and get shots in arms to get our state back to some sort of normal,” said Gov. Evers. “At the end of the day, vaccine supplies are limited, so while we continue to ask the federal government for more vaccines and faster, we have to keep working together to stop the spread today by continuing wear our masks, staying home whenever we can, avoiding gatherings, and doubling down on our efforts to keep our friends, neighbors, and families safe.”

As of today, Wisconsin has administered 248,185 vaccines across the state and began administering vaccines in Phase 1B to first responders and law enforcement earlier this week. The Department of Health Services (DHS) also announced Wisconsinites 65 years or older will be eligible for the vaccine starting Mon., Jan. 25, 2021. There are approximately 700,000 Wisconsin residents 65 years or older that would be eligible for the next round of vaccines, therefore it will take time to get through this group and will be dependent on the number of vaccines provided by the federal government.

Last Update: Jan 19, 2021 4:45 pm CST

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