
2022 Polk County Land And Water Resources Stewardship Award Winners Announced

The annual Land and Water stewardship awards were recently presented at a meeting in Balsam Lake, WI.

2022 Polk County Land And Water Resources Stewardship Award Winners Announced

BALSAM LAKE, Wis. — Stewardship, defined as the act of taking care of something, can be applied to many things in our daily lives such as families, property, money, and others. Stewardship is also often a term used to describe actions to improve our natural resources. The Polk County Land and Water Resource Departments mission is to preserve, protect and enhance our Polk County natural resources, which could be summarized as stewardship.

The commitment to caring for our natural resources does not solely fall on one person, group, or agency, it takes a community. However, within that community there are citizens that emerge as leaders in stewardship. Their work positively influences others, and their work positively influences the natural resources we all share. Some are quiet volunteers, whose message is subtle but impactful. Others are visible, well known, and their influence is broad. Regardless of the style of stewardship they prefer, they are committed to the betterment of our county and its natural resources. They are leaving their own legacy and it should be recognized.

In appreciation of the service and commitment these special citizens provide, the Polk County Land and Water Resources Department has developed a stewardship award for a person, or a group, that have dedicated a tremendous amount of time and effort to the improvement and protection of soil and water resources in Polk County, WI. The annual Land and Water stewardship awards were recently presented at the December 7th, 2022, Environmental Services Committee meeting in Balsam Lake, WI. The two Stewardship award winners for 2022 were Lynn Johnson and Steven Arduser.

Lynn Johnson was awarded the Land Stewardship award for his dedication towards promoting and implementing rotational grazing throughout Polk County and the State of Wisconsin through the Northwest Graziers Network.

Steven Arduser received the Water Stewardship award for his long-term dedication as a water action volunteer and for his work monitoring aquatic invasive species on the Apple River in Polk County.

Last Update: Dec 19, 2022 11:48 am CST

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