21 Things You Might Not Know About Me: Terry Dryden

21 Things You Might Not Know About Me: Terry Dryden

This week's 21 Things You Might Not Know About Me is brought to you by Frey Financial and features Washburn County Sheriff, Terry Dryden.

1) I was born in California, Riverside Hospital, on August 9th, 1948. I am a baby boomer.

2) My mother was Pennsylvania Dutch. My biological father was from Kansas. 

3) I have lived in many states in my early years. My formative years I lived mostly in IL in the Chicago land area and suburbs. 

"Yep, that's me"

4) Over the years I have held many jobs, gas station attendant, copier repairmen, cable splicer for a local IL phone company, central office repair for the same phone company, line foreman for a manufacturing plant, line foreman for Motorola in Franklin Park IL, guide for trail rides at a horse stable, yes I use to ride, worked on the Kill Floor at Links in Minong when we first moved to Shell Lake, custodian at the School District of Shell Lake and then to Maintenance Supervisor for the same district. 

5) My wife, Diane, and I were married Feb. 14th, 1968, yep Valentine’s Day. I cannot and should not ever forget our anniversary. 

6) We were married in the Des Plaines Bible Church in Des Plaines Ill. on a Wednesday night just before their Wednesday night services. We were assured of an audience that way. 

7) I married Diane in my Army uniform. I was about 2/3 of my way through my 3 year enlistment. That fall, October of 1968, I was on a plane to Vietnam from Fort Bliss TX. I returned from Vietnam in March of 1969 and was honorably discharged in Sept. of 1969. Then 3 years in Army Reserve.

"Vulcan Combat Team at Duster Compound.. our side Saigon"

8) During my time in Vietnam I served on the Vulcan Combat Team (Just Google, Vulcan Combat Team). The team consisted of about 25 soldiers and we were sent Temporary Duty to Vietnam to test the new Vulcan Cannon. Basically, it was an Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) M114, modified and outfitted with a 20 mm cannon, rotating six-barrel cannon that fired up to a rate of 3,000 rounds a minute. AWESOME

9) Diane and I moved to Bashaw Township in 1975, been there ever since. 

10) I am a very difficult person to live with. Not sure how Diane managed to put up with me for almost 50 years. 

11) If not for Diane I would not be where I am today. Diane’s love for God, Family and Country, in that order, has proven to be my saving grace. 

12) I like order, everything has a place and everything should be in its place, tidiness, and cleanliness almost to the point of being fanatical. When I worked part-time for Shell Lake PD, I would have to take the squad and clean the interior and exterior before I would ever get in and patrol. One time I took out two grocery bags full of garbage. You would not believe what was under the seats.  I have mellowed somewhat over the years. Retired Chief Clint Stariha of Shell Lake PD called me “Felix” after Felix on The Odd Couple.

"In uniform for the Shell Lake Police Department"

13) I like cats, kind of, but not in the house.  I use to say the only good cat is a dead one, but grandkids have altered my opinion, but NOT in the house. 

14) We have one goldfish, I can hand feed the thing. Trained it well, orderly and no mess.

15) I am very methodical. You know the keypads that you can use to open a car door? Well, the ones I have had over the years I set up so I use each number equally so not to wear out one rubber pad over the others. Same with the garage door opener. Told you I am hard to live with. 

16) I am systematically meticulous. I have routines, take me out of my routine I get upset. I get up in the morning, normally between 0600 and 0630 hours, I turn up the heat, make coffee, make the bed, shave and brush (my teeth not my hair), start the squad car, get dressed for work and I am out the door. I can do all that in less than 20 minutes, but do not interrupt me. Pity the person that interrupts my routines, of which there are many.

17) I hate procrastinators, although I am getting better at it. 

18) My oldest brother, Bill, was killed in a farm accident in Oblong IL, in 1962 when he was 18. Coming out of a field on a John Deere 4010, he hit an embankment or tree stump and the tractor rolled and he was crushed under the seat. I still have his H.S graduation photo and look at it often. 

"The beginnings of the 'stache"

19) I have had a mustache since I was 19 years old. 

20) Unless something unforeseen happens I do not plan to run for Sheriff of Washburn County again. As of right now, I have 369 days, 7 hours, 45 minutes and 7 seconds until retirement, but who’s counting? Well, I am; have a countdown App on my phone and look at it every day. At the end of this term, January 7th, 2019 I will have been your Sheriff for 28 years.

21) I intend to support Chief Deputy Mike Richter for your next Sheriff. 

Last Update: Jan 04, 2018 8:44 am CST

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