21 Things You Might Not Know About Nick Milroy

21 Things You Might Not Know About Nick Milroy

This week's "21 Things You Might Not Know About Me" features Wisconsin State Assembly Representative Nick Milroy (D - South Range) of District 73. If you would like to more information about Rep. Milroy, you can check him out and follow him on his Facebook page, his official website, or on legis.wisconsin.gov. But putting politics aside for a moment, here are 21 Things You Might Not Know About Nick Milroy:

  1. Proposed to my high school sweetheart underwater in a fish tank at the Great Lakes Aquarium.
  2. Married in the church my family has been a member of for over 100 years.
  3. Climbed Mount Fuji.
  4. Worked on a research vessel where I sailed on each of the Great Lakes going through the Soo Locks and Welland Canal.
  5. Stared face to face with a wild grizzly bear at 20 yards.
  6. Catapulted off the flight deck of an aircraft carrier.
  7. Set a freshwater fishing record.
  8. Saved the life of a fisherman.
  9. Crossed the equator on a warship and was initiated into the Order of the Shellbacks.
  10. Won a state championship in youth hockey.
  11. Flew in a helicopter from Japan to South Korea.
  12. I didn't crack the top half of my high school class rankings, but went on to graduate from college in less than four years.
  13. Had to wear an eyepatch in grade school.
  14. Hit a home run in Little League baseball ...... once. Struck out most other at bats.
  15. Claustrophobic amongst large groups of chaotic people (e.g.think airports or Disneyland).
  16. Jack of all trades, master of none.
  17. I'm a music aficionado that has been to dozens of concerts and have an extensive sound recording collection.
  18. Delivered newspapers on the morning after the infamous Halloween snow storm of 1991. Not the best decision I ever made.
  19. I once inadvertently represented myself in court over a speeding ticket. Again, not the best decision I ever made.
  20. I'm quite good at the card game "Spades".
  21. I have no self control over chocolate, especially chocolate ice cream

Last Update: Jun 08, 2017 4:15 pm CDT

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