
2nd Confirmed Case Of COVID-19 In Polk County

A second case of COVID-19 has been confirmed in Polk County

2nd Confirmed Case Of COVID-19 In Polk County

POLK COUNTY -- A second case of COVID-19 has been confirmed in Polk County, according to a news release from the Polk County Health Department.

News Release

“The Polk County Health Department is reporting the 2nd confirmed case of Covid-19. The health department is working to ensure the patient is following public health recommendations.

Any known close contacts will be notified and provided guidance to quarantine and monitor for signs of illness. We hope for a quick and full recovery for both of the confirmed cases in Polk County, as well as those who are experiencing Covid-19 like symptoms.

We also remind everyone to continue practicing physical distancing guidelines and adhere to the Governor’s Safer at Home order.”

– Brian Kaczmarski, Polk County Health Officer

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Last Update: Apr 10, 2020 10:10 am CDT

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