
A Message From City Administrator Andy Eiche To Shell Lake Residents

The following is a a message from the Shell Lake City Administrator Andy Eiche to Shell Lake residents.

A Message From City Administrator Andy Eiche To Shell Lake Residents

SHELL LAKE, WI -- The following is a a message from the Shell Lake City Administrator Andy Eiche to Shell Lake residents.

Hello Shell Lake,

Under the direction of Mayor Sally Peterson and City Council President Ken Schultz, we would like to take a moment to update our community on the activities taking place within our City as they relate to City Hall, Public Works and Public Safety.  Before we do, we would like to sincerely thank the residents of Shell Lake for their calm, yet diligent, response to our challenging times.  We may not know what tomorrow brings, but we have witnessed our community doing everything they can to protect and maintain a safe environment for our elderly, young and everyone in between.  We would be remiss if we didn’t also thank the business owners and their employees.  Their actions/sacrifices over the past several weeks does not go unnoticed.

With that said, please understand that every decision the City has made to date has come with a great deal of thought.  Although some of the decisions may impact our daily lives, it is the safety of our people which ultimately drives every decision.  Please also understand that what you read today may change tomorrow.  We will do our best to keep the public informed as things progress.


  • Mayor Sally Peterson and the City Administrator are in frequent (daily) contact with each other, discussing matters relating to COVID-19 and operations of the City.
  • City Hall is still open to the public and continues to be so under the same hours of operation.  
  • Elections are still moving forward, and the poll place will still be open on election day (April 7th).
  • The governing body plans to resume meetings on April 13th (Finance meeting scheduled for 6:30 p.m. and the Regular City Council meeting at 7:00 p.m.).  The meetings will be facilitated via phone conferencing.  Please call City Hall or watch for our postings to get the call-in number if you wish to participate.
  • Day-to-day operations of the City’s monetary and non-monetary responsibilities continue without disruption.


The City’s full-time crew is still working their regular schedule.  They are avoiding activities which would be deemed nonessential or would make it difficult for them to practice social distancing.

Following is a list of facilities/services that are currently closed until further notice:

  • Community Center
  • Pavilion (Band Shell)
  • Shelter House
  • Tennis/Basketball Court
  • Municipal and ATV Campgrounds (presently closed through the month of April, but can/will be extended if deemed appropriate).
  • Municipal playgrounds
  • Municipal baseball field/volleyball court
  • Public Beach


The Shell Lake Police Department remains fully operational.  Chief Wilson appreciates the overwhelming degree of cooperation during these challenging times and asks the public to continue to follow the Governor’s suggestions relating to social distancing and essential travel.


Following are a list of upcoming events in Shell Lake with their present status (all decisions are subject to change):

  • The Annual Lake Protection Board of Commissioners Meeting scheduled for June 27, 2020, will take place via tele-conferencing.
  • The July 3rd Street Dance/Fireworks display has not yet been cancelled.
  • Town & Country Days (Labor Day weekend) has not yet been cancelled.
  • The Shell Lake Lions Triathlon has not yet been cancelled.
  • The ATV Campground Grand Opening (scheduled for June 12, 2020) has been cancelled.

In closing, we would like to reiterate how proud we are of our community.  By continuing to remain calm and diligent in our actions and efforts, we will see our way through these times.  As always, our office is open to any thoughts or concerns you may have.  Please do not hesitate to call.


Andrew Eiche, City Administrator

Last Update: Apr 03, 2020 4:14 pm CDT

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