Over two-thirds of Northwest Wisconsin households are already online searching for information about the products and services they're looking for 24 hours a day, seven days a week! DrydenWire.com is open 24/7 to serve them. With tens of thousands of visitors each month, DrydenWire.com is now the #1 website providing area residents and visitors with access to thousands of products and services from Northwestern Wisconsin area business, upcoming local events, schools, shopping, breaking news, and much more.
Your message reaches 10,000’s of Northland readers and you have control, unlike your Yellow Pages ad or Newspaper ad, you can change your ad when you need to, anytime, all year long.
***ATTENTION*** We currently have special rates for those that sign up by March 31st.
Call Ben Dryden @ 715-214-8468 for more information.
Last Update: Mar 19, 2017 10:27 pm CDT