
Advertisement Opportunity For DrydenWire Live Shows Announced

These banner ads are prominently displayed on the lower portion of our live shows!

Advertisement Opportunity For DrydenWire Live Shows Announced

With the election cycle ramping up, we have decided to open up — for the first time — a banner ad location our live chats w/ candidates hosted by Ben Dryden. These banner ads are prominently displayed on the lower portion of our live shows with political candidates running for office for the entirety of our show and include a 15-second on-air plug at the beginning of our shows.

Your business's banner advertising on these shows is not tied to or showing your support for a particular candidate or a specific party, rather, it is showing your support to DrydenWire as we are the only media outlet in our area that hosts live shows with candidates running for elected office. We do these shows so voters get to learn more about who is potentially going to be on their ballot come August 9th.

If interested in learning more, send us a message on Facebook or email us at drydenwire@gmail.com.

Below is an example of one of our banner ads. This photo is from our "Positive Tuesday W/ Ben & Fitzy" Show showing the ad location. Note: your ad would not be on this show; this is just an example of where your ad would appear.

Last Update: Apr 12, 2022 5:25 am CDT

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