Alderman Kirk Anderson Is Elected With 73% Of The Votes In St. Croix Falls, WI

73% of voters supporting Anderson, and 27% of voters supporting the incumbent.

Alderman Kirk Anderson Is Elected With 73% Of The Votes In St. Croix Falls, WI

Press Release

POLK COUNTY -- After the Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned efforts to postpone last week’s Spring Election until June 9th, Wisconsinites were given the green light to head to the polls last Tuesday to cast their votes.

The election was scheduled for Tuesday, April 7th, but because of growing concerns from the Coronavirus, voting was first extended until April 13th by a Federal Judge, then postponed until June 9th by Governor Evers. Both of those actions were overturned.

The Federal Judge’s order was overturned by the United States Supreme Court and Governor Evers was overturned by the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

While the election did occur on schedule, due to a federal judges initial ruling, the election results would have to wait until Monday, April 13th to be certified.

According to Kirk Anderson’s campaign, “Monday night’s results were very positive,” with 73% of voters (464 votes) supporting Anderson, and 27% of voters (170 votes) supporting Carlson, the incumbent Candidate.

Mayor Elect Anderson said, “I am very humbled and honored to have been elected tonight, and would like to thank my wife Shara and our children for their support, as well as everyone who made an effort to vote for me in this historic election.”

Anderson was elected to the City Council two years ago and has served on several city committees and commissions, as well as being elected in 2019 as City Council President.

In a video posted to his Facebook page, Mayor Elect Anderson also gave thanks to God for allowing him the opportunity to continue to serve in his community.

Anderson also asked his supporters to pray for him, stating, “this is going to be a very challenging roll to fill; much more challenging than I think it would have been a month or so ago before all the COVID-19 issues came about. We are in a different time. We are in a different place.”  

He went on to describe the difficulties facing the economy, businesses, and employees. Asking for prayer on behalf of the city, its leaders, him and his family, and the entire community, so that “we can recover from this (COVID-19) and be stronger on the other side.”

When asked what he is excited about, Mayor Elect Anderson stated, “Getting started. I have a vision to work collaboratively with others to move St. Croix Falls Forward, making it a place everyone wants to live, work, and play!”

For more information, you can visit:

Last Update: Apr 14, 2020 6:34 am CDT

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