Apple Pruning and Grafting Workshops Offered in Rural Grantsburg

Apple Pruning and Grafting Workshops Offered in Rural Grantsburg

Apple growing enthusiasts can learn the art and science of apple pruning and apple grafting at two separate workshops on Thursday March 30 at Holmes Lake Apple Orchard 12966 Co. Rd Z in rural Grantsburg.  The pruning workshop is scheduled from 4:00 – 6:00 pm the grafting workshop from 6:30 pm until 8:30 pm.   Both workshops are sponsored by University of Wisconsin Extension and are open to the public. 

Bob Harthorn and his wife Joni have been managing their family pick-your-own orchard for nearly 15 years, and are happy to be hosts.  The workshop instructors include Brian Smith, UW-Extension Fruit Specialist from UW-River Falls and Kevin Schoessow, UW-Extension Area Agriculture Development Educator for Burnett, Washburn and Sawyer Counties.

According to Schoessow, the pruning workshop will show how apple trees can be pruned and give participants the confidence on how to properly prune.  The grafting workshop will teach the art and science of combining bud wood (scion) with a branch or rootstock.  Grafting has long been used to propagate trees with desirable characteristics.  Participants are encouraged to bring along their own young vigorous twig (scion) from an apple tree they wish to propagate.

While there is no charge for the pruning workshop, there will be a $15 fee for all pre-registered participants for the grafting workshop.   Each participant will receive three rootstocks and scion wood for a hands-on grafting experience. Registered participants are asked to bring along a pair of leather gloves and a sharp knife (utility or grafting). 

To register for either workshop or for instructions on collecting your own scion wood, contact the Spooner Area UW-Extension Office at 715-635-3506 or 1-800-528-1914 or visit the website at

Last Update: Mar 10, 2017 7:19 am CST

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