Armstrong Responds To State of the State Address, Announces GOP Tax Cuts

"Legislative Republicans have consistently held the line against the Governor’s extravagant spending sprees, and this past session has been no different."

Armstrong Responds To State of the State Address, Announces GOP Tax Cuts

MADISON, WI -- Gov. Tony Evers presented his annual State of the State address to a joint session of the Legislature on January 23.

“Governor Evers announced that Wisconsin is in a better fiscal position than ever before, once again conveniently forgetting to mention that it’s in spite of, not because of, his actions,” State Rep. Dave Armstrong (R-Rice Lake) said. “Legislative Republicans have consistently held the line against the Governor’s extravagant spending sprees, and this past session has been no different.

“That said, there were general policy areas the Governor mentioned that I agree with, such as Wisconsin needing to do a much better job in improving access to affordable childcare if our employers want to attract and retain employees. The devil is in the details, but I’m open to whatever works, unless it creates another entitlement program.”

Earlier that same day, legislative Republicans announced a series of bills designed to return much of Wisconsin’s budget surplus to the taxpayers.

“Republicans know that surpluses happen when governments tax you too much, while Democrats think it means governments aren’t spending enough of your money,” Representative Armstrong said.

“The package my colleagues and I announced on January 23 will return $2.1 billion to the families who earned it. It will reduce the tax rate for Wisconsin’s middle class, exempt much of seniors’ retirement income, and expand the married couple and childcare tax credits. The 2023-2024 legislative session is almost over, so I hope Governor Evers will take this last opportunity to finally do right by Wisconsin taxpayers.”

Last Update: Jan 24, 2024 9:09 am CST

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