
Assembly Republicans Call On Evers To Increase Funding To Schools That Had In-Person Classes

Assembly Republicans want Governor Evers to prioritize millions in emergency school funding for rural districts that have been holding in-person classes for most of the current year

Assembly Republicans Call On Evers To Increase Funding To Schools That Had In-Person Classes

(WSN) -- Assembly Republicans want Governor Evers to prioritize some 20 million dollars in emergency school funding for rural districts that have been holding in-person classes for most of the current year.

State Representative Pat Snyder said schools that prioritized in person classes should get more of that funding.

“Some of the districts that haven’t been in like say through the first half of this year but came in after Christmas, they wouldn’t maybe get as much as the ones that have been in since September.”

Snyder says says those districts carried a heavy, unplanned financial burden. “Cost they’ve had in cleaning and staff and all the other things that are associated with it.”

That 20 million dollars of CARES act funding is under the Governor’s personal discretion. The state GOP already moved 66 million dollars of CARES funding to those schools earlier this year.

Read more news from the Wisconsin Radio Network.

Last Update: Mar 02, 2021 11:37 am CST

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