Barron County Sheriff Issues Public Safety Alert

Public Safety Alert Issued After Barron County Sees Three Narcan Administrations in 24 Hours.

Barron County Sheriff Issues Public Safety Alert

BARRON COUNTY -- Over the past 24 hours, law enforcement in Barron County has administered Narcan to three different individuals who were found unresponsive in public settings across separate areas of the county. Narcan is a life-saving medication that reverses the effects of an opioid overdose. This spike in emergency interventions is highly unusual for the county, prompting a public safety alert from the Barron County Sheriff's Office.

Public Safety Alert

Over the past 24 hours, Law Enforcement in Barron County has given Narcan to 3 different subjects who were not fully responsive in public settings in separate areas across the county. Narcan is a life-saving medication that reverses a drug overdose. This is not a common occurrence for law enforcement in our county, especially 3 times in 24 hours.

While we continue to look into this, we want to make the public aware of this for two reasons:

  • If you see someone who looks like they're sleeping in public, please call 911. We need to check on them.
  • There might be a bad batch of drugs in our county right now.

We don't want anyone using drugs, but we really don't want people dying from them. If you need help, call Barron County Human Services at 715-537-5691.

If you are a person who uses drugs, or if you are a friend, family member, or partner of someone who may be at high risk for an opioid overdose, Narcan is available for free at Barron County Public Health. Call 715-537-5691. Narcan can also be discretely mailed to you at no cost. Click the link below for more information on that.

Again we post this information to keep our community safe and make people aware of possible issues across our county.

— Per Sheriff Fitzgerald

Last Update: Aug 06, 2024 12:37 pm CDT

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