
Barron County Sheriff Issues Statement On Safer-At-Home Order

"It is frustrating and difficult to try to enforce an Order, that is now over 60 days old, that has become a moving target"

Barron County Sheriff Issues Statement On Safer-At-Home Order

Press Release

As Sheriff, I understand that several businesses are opening today and are asking questions regarding the position of the Sheriff's Department regarding enforcement of the Safer at Home Order going forward.

We are taking the position that we will not be enforcing the Safer at Home Order going forward without further clarification and direction.

It is frustrating and difficult to try to enforce an Order, that is now over 60 days old, that has become a moving target based on what the Governor decides to issue every other day without a warning to the Counties who are charged with enforcing it, and with a pending Supreme Court Decision that could and should have been issued, to clear this matter up not only for law enforcement but for everyone in the state.

Obviously this would be absent blatant violations of safety and distancing recommendations or mass gatherings. While I hope people continue to use common sense, as we have with this issue, and check with their insurance companies, licensing boards etc. and use all the recommendations to keep themselves, employees and customers safe until better clarification is given to us by the Supreme Court.

 - Per Chris Fitzgerald Barron County Sheriff

Related: Barron County Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald was Ben Dryden's very special guest today on DrydenWire Live!: WATCH: Barron County Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald on DrydenWire Live!

Last Update: May 12, 2020 4:12 pm CDT

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