Board of Education Implements 'BoardDocs'

Board of Education Implements 'BoardDocs'

(Press Release) -- The Board of Education voted on March 21st to purchase BoardDocs, a web based program that will provide the Board with the means to electronically publish, edit, and track agendas memos and other Board documents. The use of BoardDocs will save the District in printing costs and clerical time.

With the transition of a new Executive Assistant to the Board of Education and Superintendent, the implementation of BoardDocs has been delayed. Beginning on December 21st, the Board of Education will begin using BoardDocs for Regular and Special Board of Education meetings. BoardDocs will allow community members access to Board agendas and supporting documentation that will be reviewed during the meetings. BoardDocs will provide easier access to information and transparancy between the Board of Education and the community. To access BoardDocs the following steps need to take place:

  1. Visit the school’s website at
  2. At the top of the website page, hover over the word “District”
  3. Under the column “Board of Education”, click on the word “BoardDocs” and you will be directed
  4. to the Spooner Area School District BoardDocs’ Homepage

Last Update: Dec 10, 2016 8:19 am CST

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