Bolen Is On The Ballot

Bolen Is On The Ballot

James Bolen announced that his campaign has met the filing criteria for him to be on the ballot this fall.

On Friday James submitted his nomination papers which included signatures from every corner of the district and hundreds more signatures than what is required to be on the ballot. On Monday June 4, 2018, the State Elections Commission certified Bolen’s paperwork and approved his being placed on the ballot.

Bolen is seeking the State Senate seat for the 25th district, the largest geographical district in Wisconsin.

“I am tremendously honored by the outpouring of support for our campaign”, Bolen said.

Bolen stated that he traveled throughout the district several times, knocking on doors and talking to people from all walks of life. ‘I am energized by the support I am receiving on the campaign trail’, he said. ‘People know me. They know that I am not a partisan person or divisive but rather, someone who works to get things done’.  

Bolen says he looks forward to laying out his ideas on how to make Northern Wisconsin a better place to live, work and raise a family. “We’re going to be active and engaged. I’m going to take my message to the people and lay out a clear vision for how to build a stronger north’.

Bolen concluded by saying the voters will ultimately decide who they believe will best work in Madison for them and that he is looking forward to making the case for why he is that person.    

For more information contact the Bolen for Senate at 715.798.1825 or

Last Update: Jun 04, 2018 5:01 pm CDT

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