Brian Cole: Church is Not Found in the Bible - Part 1

Brian Cole: Church is Not Found in the Bible - Part 1

After my article in DrydenWire a couple weeks ago on “Hypocrisy and the Church,” there was a man who wanted to argue that there was never any mention of the “Church” in the Bible, and that was an excuse for pastors to get people to church to get their money. He wanted me to show him where the Bible talked about church.

One day, long ago, I was working on a construction job and had on one of my Jesus shirts. There was this group of electricians standing together not too far away, and I was pretty positive they were talking so I could hear them, and they were making comments about how “those Christians think you have to go to church in order to be a Christian. It never said that in the Bible, they don’t even know their own bible.”

I don’t argue with people about these things because most aren’t trying to engage you to learn, but to get THEIR point across.

I have heard many arguments and excuses people come up with over the years for not attending a church:

“Church is just a building.”
“You don’t need a church to know the Bible or Jesus.”
“I’m miserable at church.”
“Church is just a building and we don’t need a building to know God.” “All churches are a money scam.”
“I love Jesus but hate the church.”
“I DO church at home, or in my boat fishing. That’s my God time.”

And the list goes on. Funny how some people claim to love Jesus but hate the church. The church is the Bride of Jesus, so how can one claim to love Jesus and in the next breath say they hate His wife?

I think many people are just ignorant of what “church” really is. The concept of the church to each individual is based on their understanding (or lack of) scripture, their own personal theologies, and where they stand in their relationship with Jesus Christ.

Along with that ignorance are the widespread scandals of some churches. I also believe that the way our society has shifted towards being independent also has much to do with it.

The church is not being dependent or independent: it is being interdependent!

But this “believing without belonging,” this “faith without fellowship” bears little resemblance to what we see taking place in the pages of the New Testament. More than that, I think it reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of the gospel message itself.

When you ask most people about what “church” they definitely have their own opinion. There are typically many personal nouns being used: “I think..., I believe..., In my opinion...”

Guess what. This isn’t about what “we” think, but about what Jesus thinks. So, what does Jesus and the Bible really say about church? Are those individuals I started the article out with, right? How would you respond to someone who came at you with these questions, and NOT giving them your “opinion,” but what the gospel says. What is Church? Are we commanded to go to church? Do you need church to be a believer? We will answer those questions by looking to the answer: Jesus! Not people’s personal opinions.

Stay tuned next week for the answer!

Last Update: Jul 03, 2017 6:53 am CDT

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