May and June are VERY significant months in my life! Ya see, 7 years ago on June 1, 2010 I was released from prison for the last time! And the month of May marked my 5th year in full time ministry!
After sitting behind bars for over 27 years for crimes ranging from petty drug charges to 1st degree aggravated assault with a weapon; being highly active in Satanism and the occult for 33 years and denying God even existed and believing the Bible was just another mythology book like all the other ones I studied; a drug addict, porn addict, cutter and self-mutilator... where I am at in life now was the LAST thing I ever would have expected! BUT GOD!
It took the devil 33 years to try to destroy my life and kill me. John 10:10 says that: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.” And he almost succeeded with that! But that verse goes on to say: “But I (Jesus) came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”
6 months after I was released from prison the Lord blessed me with a motorcycle. I understood it was a gift from Him and wanted to use it to glorify Him. I found out there were Motorcycle Ministries and became a member in one, and have been part of the ministry for almost 7 years.
18 months after my release the Lord sent me back to prison! I did not want to go, I was good spending the rest of my life never seeing one again! But He knew that is where I spent most of my life and the inmates are the people I spent most of my life with and who knew me the best. They knew how much I hated Christians and how hardcore an occultist I was. The Lord wanted me to go back in to be a testimony to what He has done in my life. I have been doing jail and prison ministry for 6 years now.
Not 2 years after my release from prison the Lord put me into full time ministry. Since the week I was released I had been part of a few ministries, including helping with VBS, AWANA and youth groups. I loved kids and thought I had something to offer them. That eventually led to being asked to apply to be a youth Pastor at an Evangelical Free Church in Stanley Wisconsin where I served as Associate Pastor/Youth Pastor/Outreach Pastor for a little over 4 years.
Last August I was called to Pastor a small Church in Drummond Wisconsin called “The Oaks,” as well as serve part time as Director of Addictions Transformation at Crossroads Outreach in Ashland Wisconsin and have been here for 10 months now.
In the book of Joel the Lord tells the Israelites many things that He will do for them if they but return to Him, including restoring to them the years that the locusts had eaten. God is
called the “Restorer” for a reason. What took the devil 33 years to almost destroy God restored and gave me life more abundantly within months! Romans 8:28 says: “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.” Jesus has taken everything the devil used for evil in my life for evil and has used it for His glory!! Only God!!
If you are sick of doing time, getting into trouble, being an addict. Sick of the way of life the world has you trapped in and want a way out: Want a new lease on life; want a new beginning; want the opportunity to start all over again? I’ll tell you a secret the world keeps from you. JESUS! And unlike the things of the world that are full of empty promises and have to bust butt to get or pay tons of cash to obtain – Jesus’ gift is absolutely FREE! The only cost is giving your life to Him. So, make that decision today. Deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow Him. Jer. 33:3, it’s that simple! Make that call today!
Last Update: Jun 12, 2017 7:41 am CDT