Brian Cole: Post Resurrection

Brian Cole: Post Resurrection

Now that all the talk about “He Is Risen” is done, let me ask a question. It’s cool that Christ rose from the dead and was resurrected, but did you know there was a reason for that? The biggie here is that we are to be risen WITH HIM!! If you haven’t, He died for naught!

Notice in Colossians 3:1 it begins with: “if you,” or “if then,” or “so if.” Doctrine means nothing without application! It’s great to know Jesus was raised, and it’s great to make those statements, but it ONLY means something IF you were raised with Him.

We are told over and over in Scripture to “put off,’ “put on,” “put to death,” “clothe ourselves...” We can intellectualize Scripture and it will do us absolutely no good unless we actually DO it! It requires DOING, not quoting, and knowing the passages.

After Jesus was resurrected He appeared to many people!

He appeared to Mary Magdalene in Mark 16:9-11.

He appeared to other women at the tomb in Matthew 28:8-10.

He appeared to Peter in Jerusalem in Luke 24:34.

He appeared to the 10 Disciples behind closed doors in Luke 24:36-43.

He appeared to all 11 Disciples in Mark 16:14.

He appeared to 7 Disciples while fishing on the Sea of Galilee in John 21:1-14.

He appeared to 11 Disciples on the Mountain of Galilee in Matthew 28:16-20.

He appeared to a crowd of 500 in 1 Corinthians 15:6.

He appeared to his brother, James in 1 Corinthians 15:7.

And there were those who were witnesses as Jesus ascended into heaven in Mark 16:19-20.

How many people have been a witness to YOUR resurrection!? If you died with Jesus and were resurrected and ascended into heaven with Him, then there WAS a transformation which happened inside of you and you are no longer the person you used to be. 2 Corinthians 5:17 – “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away, the new has come.”

The Disciples, who were hiding out and cowering in fear after Jesus had been killed were RADICALLY transformed upon seeing the resurrected Jesus. When you are a born again believer, you also WILL BE radically transformed and filled with the Holy Spirit! That should change us, as seeing the resurrected Christ changed the disciples!

So, again the question. We say: “He is risen!” But were you? Have YOU been raised with Jesus Christ? Have YOU put off the Old Man and put on the new? Have YOU clothed yourself in His righteousness? Is what your living for worth what He died for? Don’t just talk about it, BE about it! Jer. 33:3!

The resurrection of Jesus Christ has solved the greatest problem any human could have! By His resurrection, Christ has taken the sing out of death!

He has swallowed up death in victory!

All who are born again shall rise again!

If you are not certain you are going to heaven when you die, then you can take care of business with God today!

Last Update: Apr 30, 2017 7:50 am CDT

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