In the last 3 weeks I have been honored to be a witness to almost 20 new believers in Christ!! Men and women as well as some students! Many of these were hardened men in a prison, where it takes a lot of guts to be weeping and professing Jesus Christ in front of their peers, knowing that they will be mocked and watched closely. But, all of these men and women have proclaimed victory over darkness, and they will have victory if their faith in Christ is authentic!
How do I know? God’s Word is Truth, and the Truth proclaims this victory. Jesus said: “I am the Way, the Truth and Life.” It also says: “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free!” I am a product and testimony of this truth! I know it first hand and have been a witness to it in hundreds of others!
The awesome thing about being set free through Jesus Christ is the fact that we don’t have to DO anything. We don’t have to beg for it, try to attain it, work for it... For Jesus already defeated the enemy for us, and all we have to do is STAND in what Jesus already accomplished!! There’s a saying I use frequently that says: “We don’t fight FOR the victory, we fight FROM the victory!
Think change is hard? After all, I’ve been battling these drug/alcohol addictions for years... this porn habit has had control over me for too long, I can’t overcome it... I’ve been cutting myself to deal with pain and life for so long, I don’t know any other way... I’ve been trying to quit smoking for years, but just can’t seem to kick the habit...
Quit “trying” on your own, quit fighting to overcome these things and allow Jesus to claim victory over them. When He died on the cross He claimed victory over ALL of that for you! He wants to take that from you, He just needs you to give it to Him!
The Gospel also says: “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world!” If you proclaim Jesus as Lord and pick up your cross and follow Him, you have the Holy Spirit within you and have that victory Jesus has over the enemy.
God does not need you to defeat the devil, Jesus has already done it for you! Your part is simply to STAND. In Ephesians 6:10-18, the passage on spiritual warfare, the word “wrestle” appears only once, while the word “stand” appears 4 times – “Stand against the wiles of the devil,” “Withstand in the evil day,” “having done all, to STAND,” STAND therefore.” (verses 11, 13-14). Four times the Holy Spirit tells us to stand, yet many are focusing on wrestling their way to victory!
This is resurrection Sunday, and Praise God Jesus was not defeated that day at Calvary! Satan had his moment of gloating only to be defeated the moment Jesus rose out of the tomb!! Death was not the end... but only the beginning of what would be the most glorious victory of all!!
John 11:25 says: “...I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though He dies.”
Proclaim the victory today! Stand in what Jesus did. And if you haven’t made the decision to make Him Lord in your life, don’t wait another day. He died and rose again for YOU! Jeremiah 33:3! Claim victory today!!
Last Update: Apr 16, 2017 10:21 am CDT