Burnett County To Limit Nonessental Functions At County Buildings

All nonessential functions at Burnett County buildings will be limited to the general public

Burnett County To Limit Nonessental Functions At County Buildings

Press Release

The Burnett County Administrator and County Board Chair announced today that all nonessential functions at Burnett County buildings will be limited to the general public, by appointment only, in an effort to help reduce the rate of COVID-19 (coronavirus) transmission and to protect residents and employees of Burnett County.

Effective at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, March 20, 2020, all facilities will be closed to the general public. Anyone needing to do business at Burnett County buildings should call ahead and be prepared to make alternative arrangements. A link to department contact information is at the bottom of this release.
The buildings will be locked and customers with prearranged appointments will be instructed on how to enter the building.

Functions remaining open at this time include:

The Burnett County Circuit Court is open but court dates are changing and can be fluid. Anyone with a court date should check the Wisconsin CCAP system before leaving home or call the number below:

  • County Circuit Court: 715-349-2149 Mary Hinrichs ext. 2472

Circuit Court Limited Access:

Filings will continue to be processed in all cases via the Wisconsin Court’s efiling System and by mail. The Clerks’ service counters will be closed. Paper documents will NOT be accepted in person. Instead, visitors may file documents using the black drop box which says “Payment Drop Box” on the side of it, located outside the Burnett County Government Center, until further order of the Court. Payments will be processed using Wisconsin Courts’ payment system (available on the www.wicourts.gov website, or via www.paygov.us website). Payments by check or money order will be accepted by mail or in the drop box located outside of the Burnett County Government Center. Cash payments should NOT be placed in the drop box – payers must submit a check or money order if they cannot pay online during this period of extraordinary circumstances.

  • Email: Burnett.Clerk@wicourts.gov
  • Wisconsin Circuit Court website: www.wicourts.gov
  • Wisconsin Circuit Court efiling website: https://www.wicourts.gov/ecourts/efilecircuit/

The Clerk of Courts Office has information on their website for making payments, filing new cases or documents and requesting records.

  • Clerk of Courts: 715-349-2147
  • https://www.burnettcounty.com/index.aspx?nid=238

The Burnett County Sheriff’s Department and Jail information and guidelines can be found on our website.

  • Non-Emergency Dispatch: 715-349-2127 - Jail/Corrections: 715-349-2128 Administrative Line: 715-349-2121
  • https://www.burnettcounty.com/index.aspx?nid=107

Human Services functions such as child protective services, adult protective services, crises services, adult mental health and substance abuse, children long term support, juvenile intake, and economic support will continue in a limited capacity.

  • Health and Human Services: 715-349-7600
  • https://www.burnettcounty.com/index.aspx?nid=75

Register of Deeds Office – To obtain certified copies of Birth, Marriages and Death records during this time, please submit applications by mail or in the drop box outside of the building. Otherwise give us a call to discuss other options. For Real Estate Document Recording, please put the documents in an envelope and place in the drop box or submit by mail or erecord. For in person title searches, please contact our office for an appointment.

  • Register of Deeds: 715-349-2183
  • https://www.burnettcounty.com/index.aspx?nid=100

It’s important to note the coronavirus outbreak and public response is extremely fluid and subject to change. County officials are continually assessing conditions and are in close communication with the Burnett County Public Health Department. Regular updates will be posted on the county’s website at www.burnettcounty.com.

While these and the many changes being implemented throughout the country are disruptive, they are essential to mitigate the impact of coronavirus and protect the health of the public and our employees. We are all in this together and we all need to do our part to slow the spread of this virus. As we continue to closely monitor the coronavirus outbreak, we urge Burnett County residents to keep distance from others, avoid gathering in groups of 10 or more, and stay home if possible.

For the latest guidance and to stay informed, visit the CDC’s COVID-19 website at www.cdc.gov/coronavirus and the Wisconsin Department of Health Services at www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/covid-19.

CONTACT INFORMATION FOR BURNETT COUNTY DEPARTMENTS: https://www.burnettcounty.com/index.aspx?NID=8

Last Update: Mar 20, 2020 3:19 pm CDT

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