WASHBURN COUNTY -- I announced my campaign for Washburn County Sheriff on September 1st, 2021. My first goal was to reach out to the people of Washburn County so they could learn more about my background experience and my goals for the future of the Washburn County Sheriff’s Office. One of the first things I did was look back at the last campaign to review what the main concerns were for both candidates. I reviewed written responses provided by the current Sheriff, among those were five weeks of questions presented by DrydenWire.
I am a person who does not believe in giving empty campaign promises. As Sheriff, I will only make promises that are attainable and in the direct control of the Sheriff, something that I will follow through on.
I encourage the people of Washburn County to do some research to determine if the current Sheriff has been performing up to the standards that you believe in. When was the last time you saw the current Sheriff at a community event or public meeting? Why hasn’t the current Sheriff had any open forum discussions with the citizens of Washburn County? Why hasn’t the current Sheriff ever published an annual report to detail the annual crime statistics or completed goals?
In March 2018, DrydenWire began a five-part series that asked the Sheriff candidates about their individual goals after being elected Sheriff. The topics included grant writing, repairing relationships, addressing the methamphetamine plague and recovery efforts, 12-hour shifts, and increased school involvement. This list is only a few of the topics that were covered in the five weeks of questions. During his responses, Dennis Stuart made many campaign promises that have not come to fruition.
Washburn County Sheriff Candidates Q&A's (2018):
I can’t urge you enough to do your own research. Reach out to your local government leaders, town board members, city council members, local fire department and EMS personnel, other Washburn County department heads, or past Washburn County Chief Deputies.
Washburn County deserves the best representation from its Sheriff. I will be a Sheriff who is connected with the community I serve. I will seek input on a daily basis and do my best to serve Washburn County. I continue to dedicate my time by attending nearly 90 meetings and events over the past seven months, learning what is important to the people of Washburn County. I will continue to build those relationships. I am a member of the Spooner Chamber of Commerce, Shell Lake Chamber of Commerce, and Shell Lake Lion’s Club. I also volunteer regularly with Community First and Lakeland Family Resource Center.
Related: Campaign Trail Talk With Warren Tuttle
I have been out every day gathering signatures for my nomination papers, meeting many people along the way. I thank everyone who has shown support for me over the past seven months. I look forward to a successful primary election on August 9th. Until next time, God Bless!
- Phone: 715-390-4470
- Email: warrentuttleforsheriff@gmail.com
- Website: warrentuttleforsheriff.com
- Facebook: @WarrenTuttleforSheriff
*Paid for by Warren Tuttle For Sheriff*

Last Update: May 04, 2022 1:16 pm CDT