Chanz Green Wins Election To State Assembly

Green will be the first Republican to represent the 74th Assembly district in over 35 years.

Chanz Green Wins Election To State Assembly

Republican candidate Chanz Green, who defeated his Democratic opponent by 6 points in Tuesday's 74th Assembly District race, issued the following press release early Wednesday morning following the results of the election.

Press Release

LAKE NAMEKAGON – Chanz Green (R-Grand View) declared victory in his bid for Wisconsin State Assembly Tuesday night. Following his win, Green issued the following statement:

“Thank you, Northern Wisconsin, for the outpouring of trust and support. For months, I have traveled the district and heard from friends and neighbors about the issues important to them and their families. I spoke with single mothers struggling to cope with rising energy prices, I sat with small business owners trying to manage out-of-control inflation, and I listened to workers who were putting in more hours for smaller paychecks. Tonight, they all voted for a change – a change from the failed policies that have hurt our economy and harmed our communities. I am truly honored and humbled to be their next state representative down in Madison. I cannot wait to get to work for ALL the constituents of the 74th AD.”

Green will be sworn in for his first term during an inauguration ceremony at the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison on January 3rd, 2023. He will be the first Republican to represent the 74th Assembly district in over 35 years.

The 74th Assembly District is the largest district in the state. It covers all of Ashland, Bayfield, Iron, and Price counties, and includes portions of Douglas and Sawyer counties.

Last Update: Nov 09, 2022 12:28 am CST

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