
Community Spread Of COVID-19 In Barron County

Public Health was not able to identify a source of Barron County's first infection.'

Community Spread Of COVID-19 In Barron County

Press Release

Barron County reported its first confirmed case of COVID-19 on April 1, 2020. After working with the individual, Public Health was not able to identify a source of infection. Meaning, we do not know how or where they may have been infected. The individual does not have a history of travel and has not had contact with a known case of COVID-19. This confirms community spread in Barron County.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “community spread” or “community transmission” means that the source of the infection is unknown. It happens when a person’s illness cannot be traced back to a specific individual or place. Meaning the infected person was likely infected within his or her own community.

“The number of people infected with COVID-19 continues to grow. The United States now has more cases than any other country in the world. Social distancing is the only effective way to slow the spread, says Barron County Health Officer Laura Sauve. “Staying home when it is not essential to leave is absolutely necessary.”

Essential travel includes leaving home only to: purchase essential supplies; go to the doctor; purchase medical supplies or medication; travel to and from work; or travel to care for a child, dependent, or elderly person.

Essential supplies include groceries, gas, and other items needed to maintain a safe home. Shopping trips should be done once per week or less. Plan ahead. Make a list of needed items and limit your time in the store to reduce your risk. Send only one person to pick up essential items. Keep everyone else at home. Stay 6 feet away from others and wash or sanitize your hands after shopping.

“We know that this may feel scary, but our team is working hard to keep the community safe. Please help us by staying home as much as possible,” Sauve added.

Barron County Public Health continues to work with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, local healthcare providers and Barron County Emergency Management to limit the spread of COVID-19 in our communities.

For more information on COVID-19 call 211 or visit:

  • WI DHS COVID-19: https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/disease/covid-19.htm
  • CDC COVID-19: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html

You can also follow Barron County Public Health or Wisconsin Department of Health Services on Facebook.

Last Update: Apr 02, 2020 4:37 pm CDT

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