Congressman Sean Duffy Introduces Legislation To Delist The Gray Wolf

Congressman Sean Duffy Introduces Legislation To Delist The Gray Wolf

Washington DC – Wisconsin Congressman Sean Duffy, Chairman of the Financial Services Subcommittee on Housing & Insurance, today introduced legislation, with bipartisan support, that would return management of gray wolves to state control.

Management of these gray wolves were transferred from the state to the federal level following two 2014 U.S. District Court decisions that reinstated gray wolves under the protections of the Endangered Species Act. These designations leave farmers and ranchers in those states without a legal avenue to protect their livestock from wolves.

“Wisconsin deserves the opportunity to use science-based wildlife management for our own gray wolf population, because we know what’s better for our state’s ecosystem better than activist judges in Washington,” said Congressman Duffy. “I’m proud to introduce bipartisan legislation to delist the gray wolf because Wisconsin farmers deserve to be able to protect their livestock, and they should not suffer because of the decisions made by an overreaching federal government a thousand miles away.”

Read the Manage Our Wolves Act below:

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Last Update: Sep 12, 2018 4:58 pm CDT

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