Court Dismisses Township’s Lawsuit against Washburn County

Court Dismisses Township’s Lawsuit against Washburn County


A lawsuit filed against the County of Washburn by the Town of Springbrook has been dismissed.

On November 20, 2017, a small claims case which had been filed in Washburn County Circuit Court for the Town of Springbrook versus the County of Washburn was dismissed by the Court. Online circuit court records indicate that the Hon. John Yackel found that the Town of Springbrook had not followed the requirements of Sec. 82.08 Wisconsin Statutes and therefore the case was dismissed.

The case was originally filed in November 2016 after Washburn County denied the petitions of the Town of Springbrook for financial relief for costs incurred two years ago during the repair of two culverts located within the Town of Springbrook.

Sec. 82.08 states that a town may petition a county for aid for bridge or culvert repair. The statute also lists many requirements that must be met in order for that funding to appropriated via tax levy.

Last Update: Nov 21, 2017 10:38 am CST

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