
Criminal Charges Filed In Barron County Stabbing Incident

Read the Criminal Complaint filed in Barron County Circuit Court

Criminal Charges Filed In Barron County Stabbing Incident

BARRON COUNTY — Melanie Kuula, age 44 of Almena, WI, has been charged today in Barron County Circuit Court with Class B Felony 2nd Degree Intentional Homicide for allegedly stabbing Brett Bents on August 10, 2019.

The Criminal Complaint states that according to a witness statement shortly after the alleged incident, Kuula said she "stabbed him" and "didn't f******* care" if she goes to jail. Kuula then allegedly took off running and began to yell: "f*** you guys" and "f*** you all" as she continued down the street.

Another witness statement states that after stepping outside of her apartment, she saw Kuula covered in blood saying: “I caught him f****** some b****." The Criminal Complaint states that the witness further stated that Kuula said, "So what was I supposed to do? So I stabbed him.”

If convicted, Kuula could spend the next 60 years in prison. She is currently being held on a $25,000 cash bond.

Read/download the Criminal Complaint by clicking HERE (PDF), or below.

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Last Update: Aug 14, 2019 3:54 pm CDT

Posted In

Crime & Court

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