CVSO Office Now Offers Van Transportation for Veterans to Minneapolis VAMC

CVSO Office Now Offers Van Transportation for Veterans to Minneapolis VAMC

Please help spread the word that the Washburn County Veteran Service Office will now be providing Van transportation for Veterans to the Minneapolis VA Medical Center on Fridays starting September 8th, 2017.

So now if you have a veteran who needs a ride to the Minneapolis VAMC on a Friday, direct them to call the CVSO Office to book their ride.

We have changed the cost of ridership to a flat fee of $25.00, per rider. 

We ask that the veterans try to schedule all appointments in the morning, and No Later Than 2:00 in the afternoon.

You must be ambulatory to ride the Veterans Van, able to get on and off the Van on your own.

Please call and schedule your ride on the van at least 2 days in advance if possible.

The Veterans Service Office is still closed on Fridays, so you need to call on Thursday for a Monday ride, that has not changed.

If you have any questions please give us a call.

  • Lisa Powers
  • Washburn CVSO
  • 715-635-4470

Last Update: Aug 11, 2017 7:45 am CDT

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