Captain Dan Brereton and Chief Deputy Richter present Dispatch/Jailer Brian Wyberg with his certificate for graduating from the intensive Leadership in Police Organizations course. "We are very proud of Brian and look forward as he applies his new skills".
--Sheriff Dryden
The three-week LPO course explores leadership at different levels in the organization: leading individuals, leading groups, and leading organizations.
- Applied learning: The course is highly interactive, using small group case studies, videos, role playing, and class exercises to reinforce learning.
- Translation of theory to practice: Participants learn behavioral science theories with real-world application to better understand how to lead change in individuals, groups, and organizations.
- Practical leadership strategies: Participants learn strategies for influencing human behavior to increase motivation, satisfaction, and performance throughout an organization.
The LPO course culminates with group “change project” presentations. Students work in teams throughout the course to identify actual organization issues/challenges they would like to see change. Groups use applied learning to propose and present a thoughtful solution. Many agencies have adopted and implemented these change projects, resulting in organizational culture shifts, enhanced officer safety, increased efficiency, and even creation of new laws/ordinances.
Last Update: May 09, 2017 8:02 am CDT