
DrydenWire.com Ad Rates Announcement

This Sunday, April 14, 2019, we will be announcing our ad rates

DrydenWire.com Ad Rates Announcement

This Sunday, April 14, 2019, we will be announcing our ad rates for all of our ads on DrydenWire.com. This will the first time we have published our rates since we first went live on October 1, 2015.

Up until now, we have always had an internal pricing chart, however, those rates would change several times throughout the year. This was for 2 reasons:

  1. Our readership was increasing significantly from month-to-month. Since our ad rates are based on the previous 6-month average of users and pageviews, this would require us to update our ad pricing accordingly - which was often.
  2. We were experimenting with and implementing new ad types based on feedback from our current advertisers. Tim Frey of Frey Financial, for example, provided several ideas to us and because of that, we have incorporated two of his ideas into how / where we place ads and how a person sees and interacts w/ those ads. (thanks Tim!).

So although our readership continues to grow, it is finally starting to grow at (what we think) is a more steady increase.  Instead of 20% increase monthly, it is now around 5%. The randomness of our visitor frequency is also leveling off where before we could have a day with over 20,000 people on our site, and the next day has only 2,000.  Big stories transcend time and day of course but we are now consistently getting 5,000 - 7,000 people every day on our site w/out as the unpredictable peaks and valleys (with the exception of said "big" story as we obviously see a positive spike in users when those are published).  To put it another way, for the first 3 years we were on a yo-yo diet; gain a lot of weight, lose a lot of weight, good days and bad days. Now, and for the past 6 months, we have been progressing at a consistent and healthy pace without all of the ups and downs. 

So this Sunday, we will publish both our ad rates for placement ads and rates and process for submitted article ad posts.

Note: We will only have about 20 ad placements available and they are on a first-come first-get basis.

For more information - please feel free to contact me anytime at drydenwire@gmail.com.


Last Update: Apr 14, 2019 10:28 pm CDT

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