Fitzgerald Reacts To Gov. Thompson Interim Appointment As University Of Wisconsin System President

Fitzgerald Reacts To Gov. Thompson Interim Appointment As University Of Wisconsin System President

Press Release

MADISON, WI -- This morning, the University of Wisconsin System announced that former Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson would be appointed as the system's interim president.

Following the announcement, Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald released the following statement:

"I could not be happier with the Board of Regents' pick. Governor Thompson has always been one of the University of Wisconsin System's strongest advocates. As we face unprecedented times, there is nobody better to step in and make sure Wisconsin's prized universities continue to thrive."

Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R-Juneau) represents the 13th Senate District, which covers portions of Dodge, Jefferson, Waukesha, Washington, Dane, and Columbia counties.

Last Update: Jun 19, 2020 9:39 am CDT

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