'Focus on the Faculty': Kim Bulgrin

'Focus on the Faculty': Kim Bulgrin

(Shell Lake School District) -- This weeks “Focus on the Faculty” is Kim Bulgrin! Kim is from Shell Lake and attended college at UW-Superior and Walden University. She is currently teaching 2nd grade and has worked at Shell Lake School District for 16 years.

Kim and her husband, Steve, have 2 children: Max and Beth.

Favorite movie – ‘The Blind Side’

Favorite author – Max Lucado

Hobbies – Knitting, putting 1,000 piece puzzles together, walking and being outside.

As a child, she wanted to be a mermaid when she grew up; so much honesty!

Kay Rand is the teacher she remembers from when she was in school.

What she loves most about working at this school are the kids! They make her smile every day!

When asked what the funniest thing a student has ever said to you was, she answered: “On the first day, I ask the kids who have long names what they like to be called such as Jonathan or John. One year

Zachary looked at me with awe and said that he always wanted to be called Billy!”

Last Update: Jan 01, 2017 3:31 pm CST

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