Free Class on Internet Safety for Parents/Guardians and Children

Free Class on Internet Safety for Parents/Guardians and Children

Brittny Olson and Natalie LaPointe with Embrace (formerly TimeOut), will be presenting to parents/guardians and children ages 8 years and up! During this presentation, participants will learn about the importance of safety while using the internet/social media and also the potential consequences which could occur when not being safe. They will also explore cyber bullying/harassment and how to respond if this is happening to you. 

  • WHEN: Tuesday, January 17th
  • WHERE: Lakeland Family Resource Center
  • TIME: 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM

Please RSVP by calling LFRC @ 715-635-4669.

This event is sponsored by: Washburn County Health & Human Services & Embrace

Embrace is a nonprofit agency serving victims and survivors of domestic and sexual violence. Brittny (Domestic Violence Program Coordinator) and Natalie (Sexual Violence Program Coordinator) spend much of their time on prevention and education work.

Last Update: Jan 03, 2017 7:50 am CST

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