Gae Magnafici Statement on Election Win

Gae Magnafici Statement on Election Win

First, I want to say that I am honored and humbled to have earned the trust of this beautiful district and the people I call my friends and neighbors. I am so excited to go to Madison and fight for our values in the Legislature. Remember - this is your district, not mine. It belongs to all of us!

I also need to say THANK YOU! There are so many people I need to thank and I am going to try and do it here. Thank you to my husband Tom who stood behind me every step of the way. I could not have done this without his love and support.

Alan Walker, Chair of the Polk County GOP. Alan and his wife Elise have been two of my biggest supporters and I am so thankful for the time they put in to help me and keep our party in Polk County strong.

Dick Hartung, my Treasurer, and his wife Kris. Thank you for your friendship and your work behind the scenes on this campaign.

Adam Jarchow and Erik Severson - I have big shoes to fill. Thank you both so much for your support and guidance throughout this campaign. Also Barbara Ledbetter Jarchow for her help behind the scenes, even though you thought you were done with politics!

Burnett County Republican Party and friends "up north". Thank you to Laurie Riemer, Ryan Bybee, and Van Murray for all their help and being my "sign crew" up there. My opponent, Kim Butler - although we have our political and policy differences, I truly respect you as a person and for putting your name out there into this crazy world of politics. I wish you and your family nothing but the best moving forward.

My Campaign Manager, Mitch Sands - thank you for all your hard work around the clock, knocking on doors, and driving me around the district. I could not have done this without your work and friendship.
And finally, to all my supporters in Polk, Burnett, and St. Croix Counties who have put their trust in me. Campaigns take a lot more than a candidate - they need people willing to walk door to door, donate their hard-earned money, and advocate for their candidate. This could not have been done without you all!

See you in Madison! #Forward

Last Update: Nov 08, 2018 7:13 am CST

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