Gov. Evers Announces Additional Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Benefit

A family of four with an income of under $61,739 per year is eligible for the program.

Gov. Evers Announces Additional Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Benefit

MADISON, WI - Gov. Tony Evers today announced that the state will use nearly $50 million of Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Block Grant funds to issue supplemental heating assistance to more than 170,000 households that have previously received benefits. This supplemental assistance will provide an extra $279 per household on average for a total average benefit of $637.

Gov. Evers also allocated $8 million for fuel oil and propane delivery to qualifying customers. This program allows LIHEAP funding to purchase fuel oil and propane at lower prices and helps to prepare low-income households for next winter by filling fuel tanks during the summer months.

“Making sure Wisconsinites can make ends meet and don’t have to choose between paying for their utilities and putting food on the table is the right thing to do,” said Gov. Evers. “With thoughtful planning and smart investments like this, we can prepare households for winter, build better economic stability for folks across our state, and maintain our state’s and our economy’s positive momentum.”

“Making these supplemental benefits available will reduce the energy burden of our low-income households by helping to pay for home energy costs incurred this past heating season while better positioning them for the future,” said Wisconsin Department of Administration Secretary Kathy Blumenfeld.

The Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP) is funded in part by LIHEAP. Eligibility for the program is based on a household’s income and family size. A family of four with an income of under $61,739 per year is eligible for the program. See the table below for income eligibility.

Last Update: Jun 13, 2023 10:06 am CDT

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