
Gov. Evers Releases Statement On Dane County Court's Ruling On Lame-Duck Session

"Today's ruling is a victory for the people of Wisconsin"

Gov. Evers Releases Statement On Dane County Court's Ruling On Lame-Duck Session

MADISON—Governor Tony Evers today released the following statement in response to Dane County Circuit Judge Richard Niess's decision to issue a temporary injunction blocking the state Legislature's lameduck session:

"Today's ruling is a victory for the people of Wisconsin and for preserving the Wisconsin Constitution. The Legislature overplayed its hand by using an unlawful process to accumulate more power for itself and override the will of the people, despite the outcome of last November's election. I look forward to putting this disappointing chapter behind us so we can move forward together to put the needs of the people of Wisconsin first."

More coverage of the todays ruling on the lame-duck session can be found in the links below:

Last Update: Mar 21, 2019 12:32 pm CDT

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