
Healthy Minute: Food Shelf Awareness

Caring Hearts Thriftshop and Burnett County Food Pantry service all of Burnett County to income qualified residents through the temporary Emergency Food agency Program and outside donations of food.

Healthy Minute: Food Shelf Awareness

Caring Hearts Thriftshop and Burnett County Food Pantry service all of Burnett County to income qualified residents through the temporary Emergency Food agency Program and outside donations of food. We currently serve around 200 families per month. There are many reasons why a person or family needs to utilize the food shelf, for example, not having enough income to purchase food or having to choose between buying food or medication.

Feeding Wisconsin’s work in public policy is guided by their mission and consistent with the values that are broadly shared by everybody living in our state:

  • That our Wisconsin families have the access to the food and benefits during hard times so they can work and focus on turning their lives around.
  • That our Wisconsin children have the nutritious food they need to be healthy and to be prepared to learn in school.
  • That our food banks and food pantries have the resources and food they need to provide high quality, nutritious emergency food assistance to those who need it

Feeding Wisconsin believes that together, we can end hunger through strong public policies at both the state and federal levels working in tandem with a vibrant private charitable sector. You have a lot of power in determining whether or not we are successful in achieving our vision - by donating time, money and especially by donating your voice. We all have a role to play in ending hunger in our state, including our elected officials who propose and vote on the state and federal policies that affect our clients. They enact the policies that reflect the commonly held values of our state as voiced by their constituents - you.

Research continues to show that constituent contacts at state and federal offices are the key drivers of policy decisions. Often, as little as a few calls from voters on an issue can make a legislator change his or her mind. We all share the value that every child, every senior, and every adult who is dealing with tough times should have access to a safe, consistent, adequate source of healthy and nutritious meals so that they have the energy to learn, be healthy and work.

Here at Burnett County food Pantry, we offer two additional ways to get food through two food distributions. The first one is held the first Thursday of the month, hosted by Webster, Webb Lake Community Club. The third Thursday is hosted by Yellow Lake Food distribution. These two have no income limits and you can come from any community. Our food Pantry does have a monthly income limit that must be under $3,190 for 1 person, $4,310 for 2 people, $5,430 for 3 people and so forth. These numbers have increased due to COVID-19. Another way to get food is through the Wisconsin SNAP program, which is also income based. If you would like to learn more, reach out to Josie Penberthy, Caring Hearts Thriftshop. She is there to answer your questions or refer you to the agency that can help.

Submitted by: Josie Penberthy, Caring Hearts Thriftshop

“Healthy Minute” is brought to you by healthyburnett.org

Last Update: Sep 24, 2021 11:29 am CDT

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