Five SASD Teachers Need Your Vote to Win Grants!

Five SASD Teachers Need Your Vote to Win Grants!

Five Spooner Area School District teachers – Sarah Baier (5th grade), Amy Young (5th grade), Donna Patrick (2nd grade), Sally Mattie (3rd grade), and Maggie Farmer (3rd grade) are going for $2,500 grants from Farmer's Insurance, and the public's help is needed for them to win the grants.

The program is called Thank A Million Teachers. Community members can vote once per day for the month of March.

After submitting emails on the site, votes must be verified via email also. Voters will just need to verify their votes by checking their emailing and clicking the links. To view the proposals and vote, click HERE. Then search for "Spooner, Wisconsin.” 

Together we can help win $12,500 in grants for our Spooner students and classrooms simply by voting. Voting takes less than 5 minutes per day. 

Last Update: Mar 06, 2018 10:12 am CST

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