Jobs, Housing & Tribal Finances Among Issues Addressed in First Online Forum for LCO Election

Jobs, Housing & Tribal Finances Among Issues Addressed in First Online Forum for LCO Election

The Lac Courte Oreilles Tribe will hold a primary election on Saturday narrowing down a field of 22 candidates to the top six who will advance to the general election held on June 17.

The Lac Courte Oreilles Today Facebook group, consisting of 1,000 tribal members, held an online forum for the candidates on Wednesday night. The social media forum was a first for LCO and although attempts were made to reach all the candidates, eight of the 22 did participate.

The following is the transcript of the questions, answers from the candidates and the dialogue that followed between group members and the candidates.

There were 10 questions asked, one every 15 minutes and for the first 7 minutes after the question was posted, only candidates were allowed to respond with their answers. Following that period, members were allowed to interact with the candidates as long as they stuck to the topic of each thread.


QUESTION 1: If elected, how can you help to increase job opportunities for our tribal members or how can you get our tribal members back to work at LCO?

Jeff Tribble: First of all, the budget has to be re-established to determine solutions in where it’s needed. Our businesses have been poorly managed and need to be reviewed to determine if the right management is in place.

Deanna Baker: Tribal members should be hired first!! We have too many non-members running the programs...we need a stronger committee to listen to employee concerns about their jobs....people they are not afraid to confide in for fear of losing their jobs....

Louis D. Taylor Sr.: When I was Chairman, we started new businesses to bring more employment on the reservation. The businesses we had weren’t making a lot of money but they were making enough to provide jobs for families. We have to build more businesses that will improve local economy both on and off the reservation. We need to build a tribal day care facility by our casino to help our young mothers and fathers get back to work.

Lynnette Tribble: By looking into bringing more programs to our reservation and revising our Budgets. If we spent more time searching and putting some great minds to work we can find other programs and more grants to work with.

Susan Aasen: As an elected person, I would establish a priority for tribal membership to have access through a central job roster. A former role of a labor coordinator worked well in construction.


Terra Hudson: Jeff, how would you redo the budget?

Jeff Tribble: I would carefully evaluate each individual budget for all programs of the tribe. Each budget has to consist of a financial plan and if there’s anything that doesn’t justify any contribution to that plan, it should be eliminated.

Mark Edward Turner: Is LCO Construction 8A certified and if not would you be willing to do so?

Louis D. Taylor Sr.: No, as I am aware they are not 8A certified but I would be willing to do so. You brought up a great point mark. 8A would be beneficial for them!

Lynnette Tribble: I don’t believe we are 8A, but I do believe this can be brought to the directors attention for consideration. It would also help generate more employment.


QUESTION 2: What does transparency in tribal government mean to you and how can you help improve transparency at LCO?

Susan Aasen: Transparency is about honest and disclosing information about our government in business,administration, budgets and programs

Lynnette Tribble: it’s how tribal members hold TGB officials accountable. Honesty. I would always request to keep an open door policy amongst us all. I've always looked as we the membership are the bosses here, council should always keep the membership informed of our day to day operations.

Deanna Baker: Transparency means an open government... Everything open to the Tribal Members.

Louis D. Taylor Sr.: When I was Chairman at every general membership meeting the back wall of the Peter Larson room was filled with budgets, monthly reports and statuses of all our programs and businesses. I hope these practices are still being followed. In the future I would like to add video cameras to the general membership meetings so that our tribal members at home and off reservation can watch the general membership meeting on line and participate. I would like to give an annual report to the membership.

Jeff Tribble: Transparency should be part of our constitution. I believe I would try to develop a system of monthly reports for the membership and allot a time for all members to address the budget with their concerns or ideas.

Lori Taguma: Transparency means the membership votes on the annual budget, after a few days of budget review. Transparency means videotaping each council meeting, and making it available on the website. Equality for all members, in employment, housing, training, financial inclusion.


Terra Hudson: If elected to office how do you propose to run the tribe on a projected budget? And be aware things change year to year.

Louis D. Taylor Sr.: Hi Eric! Great question! What I would do is I would bring in all our directors and managers of our businesses and look together on their projected budgets with the needs to operate for the upcoming year. The tribal council then would add in the needs of the members including elder birthday checks, car repairs, etc. Sorry I wish we had more time.

Deanna Baker: Each Department Manager or Director is responsible for their budgets. They need to be held accountable to report any changes.

Jeff Tribble: If you have the right projected budget, there shouldn’t be very many issues. Our tribe has been basing the tribal budget from the Casinos budget. This is a huge mistake. Like I said before, we were thriving and elevating in programs long before the Casino.

Susan Aasen: We need to diversify our tribal economy. The tribal budgets need our input every year. We should slash tribal council salaries first and lead by example.

Larry Shock Taylor: Yes, by at least 40%. There isn’t anybody on that present council worth or even educated enough for that present amount.

Mark Edward Turner: Please tell me will the budgets, grants, business and monthly reports be updated in a timely manner. Every month or what would you do?

Jeff Tribble: I believe that in order to run a successful business and to continue to build an economy, monthly reports are mandatory.

Susan Aasen: We as tribal members should approve yearly budgets.

Lynnette Tribble: I would push for our membership to see our budget on a monthly basis, and welcome their input when changes are needed.

Terra Hudson: Would you if elected to office allow live streaming of tgb meetings to membership?

Lynnette Tribble: Definitely.

Louis D. Taylor Sr.: Yes, I would. The world isn’t the same as it was 30 years ago and we have to keep improving the ways we communicate with our membership on and off reservation.


QUESTION 3: If elected, would you invite government agencies to perform a full federal forensic audit of the tribe as Congressman Sean Duffy has requested and if not, why so?

Lynnette Tribble: Yes

Jeff Tribble: We have a lot of rebuilding to do. For many years there’s been a lot of questions and accusations of corruption and mismanagement of Tribal funds. All of this needs to be addressed and shared with all tribal members so that we can develop a system that will not allow any future Tribal Council to disrupt the financial rights and equalities all Tribal Members deserve. My answer is yes.

Deanna Baker: We have been fighting for a forensic audit for a year. We need to know the true status of our finances.

Jason Martin Sr.: Yes, every budget proposal should be looked throughout the duration of the grant.

Louis D. Taylor Sr.: Yes, I believe we should be audited but I believed that before Sean Duffy. We are receiving grants from various agencies and we have to know that they are being handled properly and used the way they were intended. If elected I would want to know the true status of the tribe so I could report it to the membership.


Geraldine Bruscher: To Jeff...would you expect an audit or not?

Jeff Tribble: There’s been many reported discrepancies in some of the programs reporting to federal agencies already. HUD has a list of these differences in which I believe will initiate some type of forensic audit as requested by our group.

Lynnette Tribble: When we can see there are errors in our programs, it brings up a red flag and concern. Each grant we get has guidelines to follow and when they are not followed flaws begin to happen and we have every right to know why.


QUESTION 4: Please share your thoughts on what you, as a tribal council member, can do to help fight the meth, heroin and prescription pill epidemic on our reservation?

Jason Martin Sr.: Encourage! Find the source, Why and how do they get involved in the first place. Need more after school activities...

Jeff Tribble: First of all, the word fight is not the word I would choose. This is a disease and needs to be treated. There is a lot more into why someone is using drugs. National studies show that poverty stricken areas are 1000% more likely to turn to addiction. We need to develop and redevelop our communities so that we as Anishiinabe people won’t want drugs, nor need them. Therefore, we would not accept them.

Deanna Baker: I've been helping with this problem for 40 years. We need better services for people having these problems. We need a treatment center that people can be sent to right now. It is difficult to send people out to these facilities. They can go for detox but there is no treatment afterwards. I get calls from families and individuals all the time and I'm not even a counselor. I help as much as I can.

Louis D. Taylor Sr.: This is a big question. Our people need help. We need to support our youth programs, turn the lights back on at our gyms and basketball courts to give the children more positive things to do so they do not become involved with drugs in the first place. Secondly, I like the Mark Stoner example. I have heard different tribes requesting him throughout Indian country. Mark does a circle talk with people suffering from addiction in his communities. I would have one on our reservation also. I would not only have one scheduled at our tribal office but I would also have one scheduled in New Post because it’s hard for New Post to travel to the tribal center. I am also not opposed to banishments for those dealing meth and narcotics.

Lynnette Tribble: I’ve been struggling with this question for months and months, as being in a retail setting we see a lot of our member’s functionality while on these drugs. Very heart breaking. I have been speaking with different ones and seeking programs to help them. Majority of these individuals that are on these drugs are usually crying out for help but we don’t offer much for them. We need to start listening to our children, family and friends and give them hope that there are far more better things to be looking forward to. I could go on and on with this subject as we all are aware of its severity.

Susan Aasen: We should create a tribal hotline for those affected by the disease, including family. Create a treatment center.


Terra Hudson: Did we at one time declare a state of emergency and that's when the feds came in?

Louis D. Taylor Sr.: Yes, we declared a state of emergency and the tribe did good after that for quite some time.

George Mac Taylor Jr.: Bring them in again! is what I think.

Geraldine Bruscher: I agree there is a definite need for help at treatment centers and help afterwards but I understand that current council does not see a need for this. When they finally see the need for help they can't get treatment so it's easier to get drugs than get help from tribe.

Jeff Tribble: You take a simple man’s job and home away, he is most likely going to use and sell drugs to survive as they call it. You help that man keep his house and his job, chances are he will not be a drug abuser or dealer. Our kids are dying from this disease, we all need help with this.

Tony Dennis: Ban the people supplying the product from the Rez?

Susan Aasen: That is one approach.


QUESTION 5: It has been said that tribal council members are making over $80,000 per year with salary and bonuses and it increases substantially for each officer position. Do you support this pay and if not, what would seem like a reasonable pay for tribal council members?

Susan Aasen: $50,000 is more than adequate for our community. Or go to stipends.

Deanna Baker: All the salaries need to be addressed...from TGB all the way down. There are salaries that are extreme and there are salaries that people can barely survive on. People have worked for the tribe for years and years and are just barely making it. This need to be addressed asap.

Jeff Tribble: I’ve been against this salary and the salary increases they have been giving themselves. Not all council members favored the increase but it has increased a lot over the years. This is unjustifiable. We have been in a downward spiral when it comes to financial positions of the tribe. We've had a steady decrease in revenue throughout some businesses and they haven’t changed. Until the Tribal Council can justify that their contributions are helping and increasing the assets and programs of the tribe, the membership has the right to demand a decrease in wages and therefore set those wages as agreed or voted upon.

Lynnette Tribble: No, it’s way too much. There should be a starting salary.

Louis D. Taylor Sr.: I was never in it for the money but to answer your question it’s a double edged sword. On one side, it’s honorable to reduce your own salary before cutting jobs and laying off but on the other side, our children are going to school and going to college. They are getting degrees and becoming attorneys and business people. The salary has to be high enough to appeal to our people that have went off to school for degrees. If it is lowered too much, our quality of educated candidates will be less.

Curtis DeCora: Salary of $80k out of the gate is outrageous, especially for our area. I’m in favor of a bonus program with cap. You earn your level through by milestones accomplished.


George Mac Taylor Jr.: I would like to see the elders get their checks backs. I was always taught that we should treat them with respect, no taking what little money they do get.

Louis D. Taylor Sr.: Hi Buck! I agree! Doesn’t it seem like our casino profits are trickling in the wrong direction?

George Mac Taylor Jr.: Yes, they are. It’s sad to see our elders getting treated the way they do.

Mark Edward Turner: George you mean like the TGB took 10k bonus for Christmas and lowered the elder’s checks? That should have never happened.

Geraldine Bruscher: Louis...employees from the entities also have children and have hopes they can afford college for them. If not, it's probably one more child on drugs.

Dezz Conger: We need people with Tribal & Business knowledge.

Tony Dennis: I say unless you have a degree specifically in Politics or International Affairs you shouldn't be getting that amount. Just like any other position you should have to be fully qualified to receive the full amount.

Kaylee Trepanier: Fully qualified does not necessarily mean a degree. I'd rather have someone with 20 years experience vs someone with a degree and no experience. I do agree they should have a degree. I just didn’t agree with having a degree means you are "fully qualified".

Susan Aasen: I have been an attorney in practice since 1992. I am traditional and exercise our treaty rights of gathering. We can live healthier on less money.

Anthony Price: There is no college in the world to teach you how to be a native. It’s from teachings and upbringing and listening to elders that show positivity for our people. I believe 35,000 across the board is adequate income. Remember members, you’re in office to help the tribal membership not your own personal pjggy bank.

Kyril Kcoon: My opinion is, yeah, gone to school and done this and that but if you don't stand behind what you say you are really putting out there and got that just go with the same old. Get paid for no real accomplishment, yeah, I got the interest of my people and not my bank account. Greed is a terrible thing. But, yeah, they get in there and make theei own more comfortable and forget about what the big picture is about, so explain or tell me or what it is that their own closest get served up with this and that and the majority that voted for them get just a thank you.

Lori Taguma: The median average salary for small families here in Midwest is 55K a year. People in other tribes say we are letting our council members take advantage of us.


QUESTION 6: What do you feel should be done with the LCO C-2 convenience center now that it has been closed down?

Jason Martin Sr.: Ask the elders! Can be a gift shop. We have a lot of members whose talents go unnoticed. Encourage! Or a bait shop.

Deanna Baker: I think a store where people can sell their native artwork such as paintings, beadwork, leather work. etc. We have so many talented people in our communities they need to be recognized.

Louis D. Taylor Sr.: It should never have been closed down at this time of the year. They closed it down before open fishing season. Those members that worked there could still be working right now, this is our busy season! If they were going to shut it down, then they should already have a plan for something to go in its place rather than be dormant.

Jeff Tribble: The first step that should have been done when we purchased it is that we should have filed for trust status. It gives the tribe more room for opportunity and business structure that an exemption status has over non trust land. I have argued on more than one occasion that opening another gas station is wrong. There’s been many owners who tried to make a go of the business and failed. There’s no way it can compete with C1, Period. Food and dining establishments have been proven successful near recreational areas, especially near casinos.

Curtis DeCora: The space is prime for marine, snowmobile, atv's, and small engines. It has immediate trail access, and should be marketed to that audience. Fuel, food, part, service and sales. Tribal Power Sports.

Susan Aasen: Let tribal membership operate their small businesses out of there. I would encourage an interpretive center for Ojbwe culture to be included. Prime spot to attract business.


Tony Dennis: (in response to Curtis) Hayward Power Sports is right down the road and seeing competition they'd most likely stop supplying the casino w/ ATVs and Snowmobiles it has for giveaways?

George Mac Taylor Jr.: I think a daycare or something like that, to help all the working mothers working at the casino.

Daniel Grover: I've said before I would like to see it become an incubator space for members who want to start a small business. The lady who started sparkles seems to be doing well.

Frank J Miller Sr.: I agree with Louis, should never of shut down this time of year.

Tony Dennis: What about a Used Car Sales Business start there?

Susan Aasen: Too many environmental issues for car repair spot.

Geraldine Bruscher: A treatment center or Circle of Life business.

Cassandra Hanlon: Too small for a treatment center which we really need. I think a food establishment would be successful as there is not many options around here. Franchise with a spacific food chain (taco bell/kfc ect) something different.


QUESTION 7: How can you, as a tribal council member, address our housing situation, considering that most of our tribal homes are infested with mold contamination and the problem is only getting worse, and there seems to be no money to fix these homes?

Deanna Baker: We have been fighting this problem regarding the mold for over a year. That’s where the need for a forensic audit came in. Where is the money? Now the construction has stopped on the houses that need to be fixed because there is no money? Where did it go? There needs to be a committee of TRIBAL members to access the worst damaged houses and get the people and babies safe places to stay until the problems are fixed.

Louis D. Taylor Sr.: At some point we have to become self-sufficient. We can’t depend on Washington. We have to run our businesses successfully and start new profitable ones and set monies aside for any issues that arise such as this.

Lynnette Tribble: I would need to see the housing budget and what monies we receive for house maintenance from HUD and seek other programs for help as well. I’m sure there are other grants that can be written to receive the help.

Jeff Tribble: There has to be a continued investigation into the spending and funding of our housing programs. There’s been other mold projects in the past we received grants for, and yet the problem increased. There’s been false reporting, suspicion with the reporting of those mold projects in 2007. There has to be a conclusion to this investigation through a forensic audit so we can see who or what is responsible for these homes not getting the funding that was sent for them. Now years later, our children are sick with respitory illnesses.


Deb Baker: (in response to Louis) I have always thought that should be a primary goal for the tribe. Like your answer!

Louis D. Taylor Sr.: Like in the second half of my response, I would run our businesses successfully and start new profitable businesses.

Tony Dennis: Why is there mold in the houses in the first place? Do people not keep their houses warm? Only way mold grows is in damp and wet conditions. Dehumidifiers should be in use 24/7! This problem shouldn't only be on housing but it starts with the people owning or leasing the home.

Holly Rose Trepanier: Hanging blankets over windows 24/7 holds in moisture, thus leafing to mold. Then it spreads further from there.

Natalie Miller: My mom’s house was always warm. She always had a dehumidifier going and yet she still passed away in 2014, her house was full of mold.

Judy Dust: They weren't built right in the first place. I don't live there and I can see that. My daughter-in-law does and I've seen plenty visiting. They need to be sealed proper and insulated proper.

Jason Martin Sr.: First, we have to stop boarding them up when they’re empty, keeping them dark doesn’t help them. Always have a family ready to go in.

Louis D. Taylor Sr.: Excellent comment.

Deanna Baker: It is Housing’s responsibility to ensure through inspections that any concern of mold in a home is addressed before it becomes a health hazard.

Louis D. Taylor Sr.: Great answer!

Dezz Conger: Mold goes way back and depends on if they were built properly as well. Some have homes built near swampy land and were not re-done or even recognized until mold was out of control in the basements/walls. I first moved to 6mile into a LCO home at the age of 6 and am now 28. Not once has Housing resolved the mold issue. Nor has worked on the house.

Frank J Miller Sr.: I've heard once they were spending around 200g to fix each home. Could probably tear down and rebuild a new home for less than half of that.

Curtis DeCora: The funding comes from federal dollars, and until we focus on becoming self-sufficient, and I mean, to where we are funding our own housing units, neighborhood improvement projects and the like, this will continue. Multiple and diverse streams of revenue is the solution.

Geraldine Bruscher: There are families living with families...are there not enough homes? Why board them up...fix them.

Jeff Tribble: all HUD homes managed by housing are subsidized homes. That means that at least 75% of the materials used to build or manage maintenance is sub-standard material. There’s many reasons why, but ultimately, it keeps HUD well-funded with annual budgeting. On average, over the last 10 years, each HUD home in LCO was receiving $5,500 per year for maintenance and updating. The tribe is allowed a small percentage to use for fire and police but that would still leave about 4,900 per house per year. That would have had a huge impact on mold growth detection and prevention if they would have used those funds appropriately.

Anthony Price: At 5500 per house yearly do you realize how many homes are under housing guide? Probably close to a thousand. Almost every entity enterprise say fire and security in contracts but how much money actually goes for that purpose?


QUESTION 8: Do you support all or part of the new election ordinance which includes drug testing, background checks, residency requirement and a $200 fee for candidates? Please explain which parts, if any, you support and why, and should it be uniform for sitting council members as well?

Jeff Tribble: I was one of the representatives challenging this in court. There’s clearly civil rights violations and constitutional violations in this new ordinance. I oppose all language in this ordinance because it was never brought before the membership.

Deanna Baker: I support drug testing and background checks. Aany Tribal member should be eligible for nomination. This last ordinance was just sprung on us too fast and should have been presented to the tribal membership for approval and vote.

Curtis DeCora: The background test, and drug testing are favorable, but the $200 is highly hypocritical, as the current administration hasn’t gone through this particular process. The fact it was sprung on everyone, without notice, without warning and more importantly without consultation from the people, I do not support.

Lynnette Tribble: I do support the drug testing, background checks, and a fee, but only for those that get elected. This new ordinance should have never been approved without being brought to the general membership.

Susan Aasen: I was one of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit about the ordinance. The TGB did a dirty thing against the membership. We should never accept this behavior from elected representatives.

Louis D. Taylor Sr.: I do not support the 200 dollar fee for candidates. I think it’s unfair to the elderly on fixed incomes and the unemployed or low income families that may want to run for council. I could support drug testing if it is done properly and I believe the other council members not running that are sitting should have to go through it to remain seated also. I do support background checks. I don’t see why this couldn’t have been reviewed by tribal members first.

Jason Martin Sr.: Absolutely not, should have been membership input.


George Mac Taylor Jr.: honestly, why not have let all the members vote on such a change, then there would have not been a big argument about it.

Kyril Kcoon: Never read any of it, but we should and we do need testing for any part of our governing body, right down from the head person on down.  Nobody is above the rest, just cause you got in.

Susan Aasen: I have no problem being drug tested. But the TGB passed the Ordinance to protect their incumbent status. That is unfair to spring the requirements at the 11th hour.

Steve Crone Sr.: TGB should be the first ones and show there results.

Ken Conger: For security purposes and if the fee will be put to a good purpose for the people it sounds good. But what I don’t like is the way people who can’t afford to move back home on LCO get cut out of everything from voting to any kind of privileges that they were born with. Like Xmas monies and any say about their concerns for the Rez.

Judy Dust: They use us off Rez members to get their grant monies and then we can't get an absentee ballot. 

Ken Conger: Smh, it just isn’t right and isn’t fair. I wonder what the elders who aren’t with us anymore would think or say about that. Just because we can’t afford to live at home doesn’t mean we aren’t still a part of LCO blood.

Cassandra Hanlon: Drug testing and Background checks should have been mandatory from the beginning, years ago. I don't know if I agree with the fee. Regardless, membership should have had the chance for their input.

Susan Aasen: I just received the court order this afternoon. There are legal issues not resolved in the lawsuit. I named the lawsuit tribal council individually as defendants. The court ruled in favor of the Tribe. No appeal rights. Need to review order more closely.


QUESTION 9: If it is discovered, as you take office, that our tribe is broke, what steps would or could you impose to help make our tribe financially solvent again?

Deanna Baker: Find where our money went and take legal steps to get it back. Look at top salaries and see why and who approved of them. Get rid of high paid contracted people. Create jobs for our unemployed. Get the programs back into the communities.

Jeff Tribble: By imposing a new budget for all programs and businesses of the tribe. I would eliminate all illegal procedures adopted by our previous and present administration such as co-mingling federal funds and utilizing grant monies for other purposes not intended towards the grant. We also need to re-evaluate all entities losing money and make the necessary changes needed to turn that around. We need to train our own people to these management positions because we all would have more interest in our tribe’s success than a non-member.

Susan Aasen: We first inform tribal membership about the situation. Work with the federal agencies. Hopefully, avoid a receivership status at the federal level. Reorganize as do commercial businesses do to protect their entity. As an elected tribal leader, I would put the needs of the membership first. Our Ojibwe legacy reminds us that the highest quality of leadership is where all members of our society are included. I would like to see a time in our lives that members matter.

Louis D. Taylor Sr.: I would call the casino general manager and CFO to my office because that is our money maker. I would ask for a report on where our money is going, profit and loss and see where our money has been being spent and take swift action to correct the issues. Programs and grants should never go under because the money is to be used for specific purposes and should not be effected.

Lynnette Tribble: Revise the budgets of all programs and tribal budget. I believe that individual salaries need to be looked at and paid accordingly.

Lori Taguma: Review all budgets, especially the Casino and C-store, cut large salaries, redirect funding to where it should be, create long and short term funding plans, clearly define a blueprint for success for EACH tribal member, and offer those opportunities to all members not just a few.


QUESTION 10: And the final question of the night. Please list three ideas you have or ways you see could help improve economic development for the tribe.

Jeff Tribble: First, I would support Tribal Member entrepreneurship. I believe the quote in Forbes magazine was, " A Tribes success is not measured through its own, but through its members." Then I would like to try and entertain new project ideas the tribe has turned down in the past such as one proposed by Famous Dave Anderson. This was a new casino and waterpark project. I would also like to see the tribe getting more grants as we did in the past until we can become fully self-sufficient.

Deanna Baker: 1 - Casino at the Landing. 2 - Development of the Hideout...make it the historic place it once was. 3 - Stores for New Post and Signor.

Curtis DeCora: Government contracts, obtaining the 8a status for 2-3 enterprises that focus exclusively on bidding for federal and state contracts.

Tribal employee development, we have an extremely unique opportunity with so many diverse enterprises which require programming, networking, and other technology aspects. All of our expenses associated with outsources services can easily be all done inhouse with proper infrastructure, training and partnerships. 

Entrepreneurship, we have expenses each enterprise pays to companies coming from the twin cities, chicago, milwaukee, and the like. Thats money never again returning to our community. Through promoting entrepreneurship, we empower our membership by allowing them access to deliver products and services to our casino, gas stations, grocery store, resort and fireworks store. 

The more money we continually cycle in our community, the more money in the pockets of our membership. It can be done, and is being done by tribes throughout the country.

Susan Aasen: Miigwech everybody. My 3 ideas for economic development could include technology services, manufacturing business with larger established companies and create a 4-year College degree program.

Lynnette Tribble: Find solutions to our failures for one, encouraging others to start looking into solar systems, farming, things that would help with sustainability. Create Green House Projects. I could go on and on but I definitely feel that we need to pull together and work towards rebuilding our community as a whole. Together we can all make LCO a better place.

Louis D. Taylor Sr.: I would stand on my record on the last time I was on council. We built akikindaag community, Tribal police, headstart, boys and girls club, tribal office, c-store, purchased gas station across from it, Giiwedin community, credit union, rebuilt our quick stop, Chippewa Wood Crafters. We used our own members to build most of these and I’m proud of that. Our people spent money back into our community and we were thriving. I would like to thank all the council I sat with through those years. We were productive. I would like to thank everyone here for joining me here tonight. thank you all for your support. have a great evening.


Judy Dust: I saw some great replies to the questions. I would like to have seen more candidates participating. I like the idea of a craft store for the Natives. Maybe with crafts, there are many from what I see, an online business could be started and perhaps a small warehouse type place to bring and ship from.

Deb Baker: How would any of the candidates bring back respect and trust to the Council and would they abolish the "class society" that was implemented by the current TGB?

Jeff Tribble: I believe we should start by giving back full authority to our boards and set new policies and guidelines to help avoid conflicts of parties and interests. I would like to have more General membership meetings with an emphasis on Members concerns and questions as a priority first. There would be no class society other than being a member of LCO. All members should be treated equally no matter what.


Jason Martin Sr.: Was an excellent and encouraging to be part of tonight's forum. But, I learned one important fact! That we need more members input in the direction we need to go. A lot of ideas out there and why the members will be first with me. Love you all!! thank you, Jay

Deanna Baker: We need a new beginning. Let's take our tribe back. We are losing our tribe little by little by people that don't seem to care. We have intelligent hard-working people to do this. Everyone that has worked their entire lives need to stand up and get our homeland back. Vote for change. Vote Jeff Tribble and Deanna Baker.

Curtis DeCora: Joe, awesome idea!!! Everyone who participated, this was great, and extremely informative for everyone. It is vital that leaders, lead from the front, and these types of events keep everyone in touch. Miigwech niijiiwag

Susan Aasen: As a candidate for Tribal Governing Board, I can provide services immediately. As an attorney, I am already knowledgeable about the laws and public policy that affects our Tribe. I am also a grassroots person who works with all tribal members every day. I work closely with the tribal community on local issues, as well. I am concerned about the lack of meaningful access to our tribal government. I am concerned about how we are left in the dark on most matters. We can make tribal government work in more responsible way. I believe we can do a better job, such as posting our budgets and balance sheets. We need to treat members equally and honorably.

Lynnette Tribble: Chii Miigwetch all.

Jeff Tribble: Miigwetch

Louis Taylor: Hello Facebook Friends on Lac Courte Oreilles Today. I am excited about being a part of this online forum. The forum is a way for Tribal Members, on and off the Reservation, to interact with candidates and be an active part of the election process. I think the forum process we have been using for fifty years is outdated and doesn’t fit the times. Online forums will reach more people and will be the way of the future. Thanks everyone for listening to my responses. Congratulations and thank you to all the candidates that were a part of this event in our tribal political history. Thank you Joe for hosting this event. Thank you to all the members for participating and for your questions and observation.

Last Update: May 19, 2017 9:34 am CDT

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